Dr. Benjamin Andress

Dr. Benjamin AndressBenjamin Andress, PhD,DABCC, MLS(ASCP)CM
Associate Director, Clinical Chemistry

100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, PA 17822-1930

Dr. Andress is an associate of Geisinger Medical Laboratories at Geisinger Medical Center, where he serves as the associate director of clinical chemistry.


Dr. Andress received bachelor's degree in clinical laboratory science at Michigan State University, his Ph.D. in pathology at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, and completed a clinical chemistry fellowship at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.


Dr. Andress is board-certified in clinical chemistry.

Professional Committees:

Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Society for Young Clinical Laboratorians

Research Interests:

Clinical chemistry, laboratory efficiency and utilization, and bioinformatics.

Honors and Awards

Academy’s Distinguished Abstract Award
Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine, July 2024

Lipoproteins and Vascular Diseases Division Abstract Award              
Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine, July 2024

Endocrine Division Best Abstract Award
American Association for Clinical Chemistry, July 2023

Paul E. Strandjord Young Investigator Award
Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, June 2023

MSACL Poster Award
Society for Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical Laboratory, April 2023

Recent Academic Activity

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

Wang Q*, Andress B*, Pazdernik V, Coker J, Larson D, Dasari S, Rajkumar SV, Dispenzieri A, Murray D, Willrich MA. Comparison of two free light chain assays: performance of the free light chain ratio as risk factor for MGUS progression. Clin Chem 2024. *co-first authors

Andress B, Hoffman M, McNulty AL. Analytical Validation and Quality Control/Quality Assurance Practices for Improved Rigor and Reproducibility of Biochemical Assays in Orthopaedic Research. J Orthop Res 2022.

Andress B*, Irwin RM*, Puranam I, Hoffman BD, McNulty AL. A Tale of Two Loads: Modulation of IL-1 Induced Inflammatory Response of Meniscal Cells in Two Models of Dynamic Physiologic Loading. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2022. *co-first authors

Andress B, Kim JH, Cutcliffe HC, Amendola A, Goode A, Varghese S, DeFrate LE, McNulty AL. Meniscus cell regional phenotypes: Dedifferentiation and reversal by biomaterial embedding.J Orthop Resh 2020

Arrigoni P, Ruprecht JC, Chasse D, Glass KA, Andress B, Guilak F, Weinberg JB, McNulty AL. Optimization of Meniscus Cell Transduction Using Lentivirus and Adenassociated Virus for Gene Editing and Tissue Engineering Applications. Cartilage 2021

Abstracts, Posters, and Invited Presentations:

Andress B. Data Analysis in R: Lowering the Barrier to Entry for the Clinical Laboratory (roundtable).   Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM), 7/2024, Chicago, IL

Andress B, Vasile V, Jaffe A, Donato L, Meeusen J. “Lipids in the Afternoon: Effect on LDL-C, Triglycerides, and Collection Time When Removing Fasting Requirements for Lipid Panels”, ADLM Annual Meeting, 7/2024

Andress B, Lasho A, Donato L, Block DR, Meeusen J. “Clinical utility of pancreatic cyst fluid glucose for identification of mucinous cysts”, Association of Clinical Scientists (ACS) Annual Meeting, 4/2024

Andress B, Block D, Baumann A. “Pediatric Cortisol Reference Intervals (RI): Impact of Age-Specific RI on the Rate of Abnormal “Low” Cortisol Results”, American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, 7/2023

Andress B, Wang Q, Pazdernik V, Kalass S, Dispenzieri A, Murray D, Willrich M. “Comparison of two free light chain assays: performance of the free light chain ratio as risk factor for MGUS progression”, Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS) Annual Meeting, 2023

Andress B, Miller S, Maus A, Kemp J, Ness K, Villont J, Grebe S, Bornhors J, AlgecirasSchimnich A. “Undetectable Serum Thyroglobulin (Tg) in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Antibodies, Assay Limitation, or Other?”, Association for Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical Lab (MSACL) Annual Meeting, 2023

Andress B, Irwin R, McNulty AL. “A Tale of Two Loads: Regional Variation and Inflammation in Meniscus Mechanoresponsive Pathways Using Two Models of Mechanical Loading,” Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, 2022

Andress B, Hoffman M, McNulty AL. “Addressing Rigor and Reproducibility by Applying QC/QA Principles to Preclinical Laboratory Research,” American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, 2021

Andress B, Varghese S, McNulty AL. “Biomaterials for Meniscus Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering: Phenotyping of Meniscal Cells,” Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, 2021

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