
Dr. Jerad M. Gardner

Dr. Jerad GardnerJERAD M. GARDNER, MD
Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Dermatopathology
Section Head, Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology

100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, PA 17822-1920

JMGardnerMD  JMGardnerMD  JeradMGardnerMD JeradMGardnerMD



Dr. Gardner is an Associate of Geisinger Medical Laboratories at Geisinger Medical Center where he specializes in dermatopathology and soft tissue and bone pathology.  He is also on the faculty of the Geisinger Dermatopathology Fellowship and Pathology Residency Programs.


Dr. Gardner received his M.D. from Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, and his pathology residency training at Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas. He completed fellowships in soft tissue pathology and in dermatopathology at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.


He is board certified in anatomic and clinical pathology, as well as dermatopathology.

Professional Affiliations:

American Society of Dermatopathology (ASDP)
College of American Pathologists (CAP)
Digital Pathology Association (DPA)
Egyptian Society of Dermatopathology (Honorary Member)
International Society of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology (ISBSTP)
International Society of Dermatopathology (ISDP)
United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)

Editorial Posts

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Research interests:

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), other rare genetic conditions, bone and soft tissue tumors, and professional use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media

Recent Academic Activity

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

List of citations & h-index available via Google Scholar: http://bit.ly/JMGgooglescholar

Di J, Hickey C, Bumgardner C, Yousif M, Zapata M, Bocklage T, Balzer B, Bui MM, Gardner JM, Pantanowitz L, Qasem SA. Utility of artificial intelligence in a binary classification of soft tissue tumors. J Pathol Inform. 2024; PMID: 38496781: doi: 10.1016/j.jpi.2024.100368.

Gonzalez RS, McKinnon EL, Fuller MY, Gardner JM, Chen W, Jiang XS. Is Social Media Here to Stay?: Survey Results Indicate Increasing Pathologist Interest and Engagement Over Time. Arch Pathol Lab. 2024; doi: 10.5858/arpa.2023-0387-OA: E-pub ahead of print.

Ozdag Y, Koshinski JL, Carry BJ, Gardner JM, Garcia VC, Dwyer CL, Akoon A, Klena JC, Grandizio LC. A Comparison of Amyloid Deposition in Endoscopic and Open Carpal Tunnel Release. J Hand Surg AM. 2024; 49(4): 301-309.

Ibraheim MK, Gupta R, Gardner J, Elsensohn A. Artificial Intelligence in Dermatopathology: An Analysis of its Practical Application. Dermatopathology. 2023; 10(1): 93-94.

Mukosera GT, Lee MP, Ibraheim MK, Elston D, Singh R, Ho J, Motaparthi K, Ahn CS, Lee BA, Gardner JM, Ferringer T, Elsensohn A. From Scope to Screen: A Collection of Online Dermatopathology Resources for Residents and Fellows. J Am Acad Dermat. 2023; 12: 12-14.

Pitch M, Gardner JM. Comment on: “Clinicopathologic and molecular analyses of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma: A retrospective, multicenter study of 79 cases. J Am Acad Dermat. 2023; 89(1): e49.

Lilley CM, Arnold CA, Arnold MA, Booth AL, Gardner JM, Jiang XS, Loghavi S, Mirza KM. Virtual Pathology Elective, Real Education: The PathElective.com Experience as a Model for Novel Pathology Pedagogy and a Primer for Curricular Evolution. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2023; 28. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2022-0259-OA.: 8-2023.

Theroux Z, Gardner J, Ortiz E, Kosik G, Junkins-Hopkins J. Neutrophilic fixed drug eruption, a histopathologic variant or an expected finding?-A report of two cases and review of the literature. J Cutan Pathol. 2023; 50(10): 884-889.

Bourgeau M, Gardner JM. Immunohistochemistry Update in Dermatopathology and Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2023; doi: 10.5858/arpa.2023-0033-RA: E-pub ahead of print.

Schukow C, Punjabi LS, Gardner JM. #PathMastodon: An up-in-coming platform for pathology education among pathologists, trainees, and medical students. Adv Anat Pathol. 2023; In: Press.

Marin LP, Presley JH, Noori K, McKinstry D, Dawson B, Sexton K, Peterson E, Harrington SE, Gardner JM, Nagalo BM, Montzavi-Karbassi B, Post SR, Nicholas RW, Kelly T. Partnership in Cancer Research (PCAR) Program Increases Medical Student Knowledge and Confidence to Perform Cancer Research. J Cancer Educ. 2023; doi: 10.1007/s13187-023-02383-9: Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37957501.

Mukosera GT, Lee MP, Ibraheim MK, Elston D, Singh R, Ho J, Gardner JM, Ferringer T, Elsensohn A. Piloting a comprehensive virtual dermatopathology curriculum. Int J Dermatol. 2023; doi: 10.1111/ijd.16922: Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37997204.

Campbell K, Bridge JA, DiMaio D, Wilson J, Shalin SC, Gardner JM. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with platelet-derived growth factor-D (PDGFD) rearrangement; two cases with morphologically distinct presentations. J Cutan Pathol. 2022; 49(3): 274-277.

Higgins AD, Dunn RJ, Malikzai O, Ahmadzai M, Gardner JM, Stoff BK, McMichael JR. Kaposi sarcoma in Afghanistan: a case series from a tertiary referral center.. Dermatopathology (Basel). 2022; 9(3): 258-270.

Rae M, Wong J, Tunis J, Hess WF, Gardner JM, DelSole EM. Atypical Presentation of Primary Osteosarcoma of the Lumbar Spine with Caval Tumor Thrombus in a 17-Year-Old Male: A Case Report. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2022; 21(11): 391-394.

Li L, Bailiff OA, Blanchard B, Gardner JM. Primary epithelioid sarcoma of the conchal bowl in a 64-year-old male: A case report and review of the literature. Am J Dermatopathol. 2022; 45(6): 383-387.

Yi JZ, Enos CW, Prodanovic EM, Gardner JM, Roberts AA. A Slow-Growing Papule on the Right Shin: Challenge & Answer (Answer: Pleomorphic Hyalinizing Angiectatic Tumor). Am J Dermatopathol. 2021; 43(11): 84-2843.

Sasapu A, Dunn AJL, Gardner J, Wong HK. Remission of refractory granulomatous primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma to brentuximab vedotin. BMJ Case Reports. 2021; 14(7): e242895.

Lilley CM, Arnold CA, Arnold M, Booth AL, Gardner JM, Jiang XS, Loghavi S, Mirza KM. The Implementation and Effectiveness of PathElective.com. Acad Pathol. 2021 Apr 9;8:23742895211006829.

Henry DS, Wessinger WD, Meena NK, Payakachat N, Gardner JM, Rhee SW. Using a Facebook Group to Facilitate Faculty-Student Interactions during Preclinical Medical Education: a Retrospective Survey Analysis. BMC Medical Education. 2020 Mar 24;20(1):87

Fancher K, Gardner JM, Shalin SC. Elastophagocytosis and interstitial granulomatous infiltrate are more common in extragenital versus genital lichen sclerosus.J Cutan Pathol. 2020; 47(10):903-912


Invited Lectures & Presentations

Gardner J. What’s new? Updates in Dermatopathology. Invited Lecture. Annual Conference of the SSDV (Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology/Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie), Basel, Switzerland. September 19, 2024.

Gardner J. Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors for Surgical Pathologists (Spindle cell diagnoses you don’t want to miss!. Invited Lecture. 34th Brazilian Congress of Pathology, Belem, Brazil. June 1, 2024.

Gardner J. Skin Adnexal Tumors. Invited Lecture. 34th Brazilian Congress of Pathology, Belem, Brazil. June 1, 2024.

Gardner J. Medical student participation in rare cancer patient support groups on Facebook. Invited Lecture. M2 medical students participating in the UAMS Partners in Cancer Research (PCAR) summer cancer research program, Virtual. June 2024.

Gardner J. How Social Media Changed My Life: The role of Twitter (X), Facebook, YouTube, etc. in Pathology & Medicine. Grand Rounds. Inaugural Dr. Arthur Rabson Tufts Medical Center Pathology Grand Rounds, Boston, Massachusetts. June 2024.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology cases. Presentation to. Pathology Residents at Tufts Medical Center Department of Pathology, Boston, Massachusetts. June 2024.

Gardner J. How Social Media Changed My Life: The role of Twitter (X), Facebook, YouTube, etc. in Pathology & Medicine. Invited Lecture. 34th Brazilian Congress of Pathology, Belem, Brazil. May 31, 2024.

Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive virtual discussion . Pathology faculty at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru. May 17, 2024.

Gardner J. Leadership and Professional Development (LAPD): Social Media for Trainees. Interactive virtual panel discussion. Pathology faculty and residents at University of Pennsylvania Department of Pathology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 2024.

Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive Virtual Discussion. pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru. May 2024.

Gardner J. Social Media for Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologists. Presentation. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP) , Orlando, Florida. April 2024.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology unknown cases for oral & maxillofacial pathologists. Presentations. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP) 2024 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. April 2024.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology cases. Presentation to Residents. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Cente, Lubbock, Texas. March 2024.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology cases.. Presentations. NYU Pathology Residents, New York, New York. November 2023.

Gardner J. Pathology education via social media. Grand Rounds . New York University (NYU) Department of Pathology, New York, New York. November 2023.

Gardner J. A journey through soft tissue pathology. Virtual Lecture. XXIII National Congress of La Federación de Anatomía Patológica de la Republica Mexicana (FEDPATMEX), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. November 2023.

Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive virtual discussion . Pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru. November 2023.

Gardner J. 7 deadly sins: 7 cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. Consultation Session Course. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual. October 2023.

Gardner J, Bowen T. Orthopedic Oncology & Bone/Soft Tissue Pathology. Case Discussion. Orthopedic surgery & pathology student interest groups at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Scanton, Pennsylvania. October 2023.

Gardner J. Immunohistochemistry Updates: Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology. Presentation. 4th Geisinger Seminar in Anatomic Pathology, Danville, Pennsylvania. September 2023.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology Education via Social Media. Presentatiion. 30th annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Histologie (ADH) (German Society of Dermatopathology), Lübeck, Germany. June 2023.

Gardner J. Survival Guide for Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors (Spindle cell diagnoses you don’t want to miss!). Presentation. 30th annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Histologie (ADH) (German Society of Dermatopathology), Lübeck, Germany. June 2023.

Rizwan R, Fiore C, Melrose E, Gardner JM, Strickler AG. Simple and Effective Initiative for Improving the Quality of Slides for Skin Specimens. Presentation. 25th Joint Meeting of the International Society of Dermatopathology (ISDP), New Orleans, LA. May 2022.

Gardner J. Soft tissue tumors every dermatologist should know. Presentation. Utah Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Springdale, Utah. April 2023.

Gardner J. I'm teaching even when I'm sleeping: The power of YouTube for medical education. Presentation. Utah Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Springdale, Utah. April 2023.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: The role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Utah Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Springdale, Utah. April 2023.

Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive Virtual Discussion. Pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru. March 2023.

Rizwan R, Bowen TR, Zhu S, Gardner JM.. High-grade Osteosarcoma with Background Low-grade Osteosarcoma in a Pregnant Female with Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome. Presentation. College of American Pathologists (CAP) annual meeting , New Orleans, LA. October 2022.

Rizwan R, Gardner JM. Multifocal Spindle Cell Hemangiomas with Background Benign Vascular Malformation: CD34 Immunostaining Pattern is Important to Recognize. Presentation. College of American Pathologists (CAP) annual meeting , New Orleans, LA. October 2022.

Gardner J. “7 deadly sins: 7 cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. RConsultation Session Course. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual. October 2022.

Gardner J. Soft Tissue Pathology Is Fun...Really! A Crash Course for General Pathologists. Short Course. College of American Pathologists Annual Meeting, Virtual. October 2022.

Gardner J. Pathology Career Discussion. Presentation. Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Virtual. September 2022.

Gardner J. Fibrohistiocytic lesions and more (part 1). Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual). September 2022.

Gardner J. Fibrohistiocytic lesions and more (part 2). Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual). September 2022.

Gardner J. More dermpath soft tissue slides. Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual). September 2022.

Gardner J. CPC slide presentation 1 (dermpath soft tissue unknown cases discussion). . Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual). September 2022.

Gardner J. CPC slide presentation 2 (dermpath soft tissue unknown cases discussion). . Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual). September 2022.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine.” (Steven Kossard Lecture) . Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual). September 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology - I - Infectious Diseases of the Skin. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. Oakstone.com CME course: Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual. July 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology - II - Inflammatory Dermpath - Patterns and Terminology. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. Oakstone.com CME course:Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual. July 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology - III - Skin Adnexal Tumors. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. Oakstone.com CME course: Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual. July 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology - IV - Miscellaneous Dermpath. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. Oakstone.com CME course: Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual. July 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. Dermatology & pathology residents at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (virtual). June 2022.

Gardner J. Medical student participation in rare cancer patient support groups on Facebook. Presentation. UAMS Partners in Cancer Research (PCAR) summer cancer research program, Little Rock, AK. June 2022.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Lecture. 105th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pathologie e.v. , Münster, Germany (virtual). June 2022.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Grand Rounds . Thomas Jefferson University Department of Pathology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Philadelphia, PA. May 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Grand Rounds . Thomas Jefferson University Department of Pathology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Philadelphia, PA. May 2022.

Gardner J. Building your brand via social media. Presentation . College of American Pathologists RFEC for Medical Students Interested in Pathology, Online Event. April 2022.

Gardner J. Inflammatory dermpath 101. Presentation . Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists 2022 annual meeting, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. April 2022.

Gardner J. Basics of molecular testing for the dermatologist. Presentation . 2022 Atlantic Dermatological Conference , Virtual Event. April 2022.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Grand Rounds. University of New Mexico Department of Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Round, Virtual. March 2022.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. University of New Mexico Pathology and Dermatology Residents, Virtual. March 2022.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Duke University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Durham, North Carolina. February 2022.

Gardner J. What sarcomas should you know as a dermatologist?. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. February 2022.

Gardner J. Soft tissue tumors you shouldn't miss. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. February 2022.

Gardner J. Keep Calm and Tweet On. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. February 2022.

Gardner J. My TEDx talk .. a life changing experience. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. February 2022.

Gardner J. I'm teaching even when I’m sleeping. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. February 2022.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Richmond, Virginia. December 2021.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Richmond, Virginia. December 2021.

Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Stony Brook University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Stony Brook, New York. November 2021.

Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. Stony Brook University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Stony Brook, New York. November 2021.

Gardner JM. Pitfalls in cutaneous soft tissue pathology. Invited Lecture. XXIV National Peruvian Congress of the Asociación Peruana de Patólogos (Peruvian Association of Pathologists, Virtual (Peru). November 2021.

Gardner JM. Updates from the WHO Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours 5th Edition. Virtual Presentation. Late Fall Massachusetts Society of Pathologists Meeting , Massachusetts (Virtual). November 2021.

Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Invited lecture. Stony Brook University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Stony Brook, New York (virual). November 2021.

Gardner JM. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Invited lecture. Stony Brook University Department of Dermatology , Stony Brook, New York (virual). November 2021.

Gardner JM. Soft Tissue Tumors presented as part of Short Course II Beyond Gestalt Diagnosis. Virtual presentation. American Society for Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual. October 2021.

Gardner JM. Bone & soft tissue pathology basics. Virtual presentation to Orthopedic Residents. Guthrie Clinic, Sayre, Pennsylvania. October 2021.

Gardner JM. Bone pathology 101. Virtual Presentation. Karnataka Chapter of the Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists, Karnataka, India. October 2021.

Gardner JM. Diagnostic pitfalls in epidermal and skin adnexal neoplasms – Parts 1 and 2. Presentations. Academie Internationale de Pathologie – Division Française (IAP French Division) 16th Journée des Invités Etrangers (Foreign Guests’ Day), Institut Curie, Paris, France. October 2021.

Gardner JM. Something old, something new: melanocytic neoplasms & mesenchymal tumors, too - Parts 1 and 2. Presentations. Academie Internationale de Pathologie – Division Française (IAP French Division) 16th Journée des Invités Etrangers (Foreign Guests’ Day), Institut Curie, Paris, France. October 2021.

Rizwan R. Chen G, Zhu S, Gardner J. Primary Esophageal Spindle Cell Melanoma with Striking Ribbon-Like Nuclear Palisading: A Diagnostic Challenge. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual. October 20-24, 2021.

Gardner J. Soft tissue cases. Virtual Podium Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual. October 20-24, 2021.

Gardner J. Consult 43: Deadly sins: 7 Cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. Virtual Podium Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual. October 20-24, 2021.

Jiang S, Gardner JM. Gonzalez. Better, Faster, Stronger: Technology Hacks to Improve your Pathology Practice. Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual and Live. September 2021.

Gardner JM, Jiang S, Razzano D, Hall A. Pathology Engagement in Global Health: A Workshop for Exploring Opportunities to Get Involved. Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual and Live. September 2021.

Gardner JM. Updates from the WHO Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours 5th Edition. Virtual Grand Rounds. Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. September 2021.

Gardner JM. Soft tissue pathology unknown cases. Virtual Side Session. Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. September 2021.

Gardner JM. How to learn & teach anatomic pathology in the digital age: using WSI digital slides for online education. Video Lecture and Panel Discussion. Digital Pathology Association, Virtual. September 2021.

Gardner JM. Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology Cases. Live video lecture. 2021 Master Class in Pathology by pathpresenter.net, Virtual. August 2021.

Gardner JM. Updates in Soft Tissue Pathology. Live Video Lecture . Oregon Pathologists Association , Virtual. August 2021.

Gardner JM. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Virtual Interactive Slide Session. Mayo Clinic Department of Pathology, Rochester, Minnesota. July 2021.

Gardner JM. Medical student participation in rare cancer patient support groups on Facebook. Virtual presentation. UAMS Partners in Cancer Research (PCAR) summer cancer research program, Virtual. June 2021.

Gardner JM. Find Your Fit—A Conversation on Choosing a Pathology Fellowship. Online virtual discussion panel . College of American Pathologists, Virtual. June 2021.

Gardner JM. Mastering Social Media and Optimizing Online Presence. Virtual discussion panel . 5th Annual Thoracic Oncology Summit , Virtual. June 2021.

Gardner JM. Dermpath pearls & pitfalls for general surgical pathologists. Virtual presentation . Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists 2021 annual meeting, Virtual. June 2021.

Gardner JM. Dermatopathology pearls for oral & maxillofacial pathologists. Part 1 . Didactic lecture. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Virtual. May 2021.

Gardner JM. Dermatopathology pearls for oral & maxillofacial pathologists. Part 2. Virtual case discussion. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Virtual. May 2021.

Gardner JM. Discussion of difficult bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive discussion. Pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru. May 2021.

Gardner JM. Inflammatory dermpath 101 (for general surgical pathologists). Bouldin Lectureship Grand Rounds. University of North Carolina Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Virtual) , Chapel Hill, North Carolina. April 2021.

Gardner JM. Bone & soft tissue unknown cases. Interactive virtual slide session. University of North Carolina Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Virtual) , Chapel Hill, North Carolina. April 2021.

Gardner JM. Cutaneous hemepath basics. Presented virtually to the dermatology residents . University of Massachusetts Department of Dermatology, Worcester, Massachusetts. April 2021.

Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Virtual Presentation. University of Massachusetts Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Worcester, Massachusetts. April 2021.

Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Virtual "Bagel Talk" Presenation. Boston Children’s Hospital Department of Pathology, Boston, Massachusetts. February 2021.



Textbooks and Book Chapters

Montgomery EA, Ware AD, Gardner JM.Survival Guide to Soft Tissue Pathology. Arlington, Virginia: Innovative Pathology Press. 2019.

Gardner, JM. Survival Guide to Dermatopathology. Arlington, Virginia: Innovative Pathology Press. 2019.

Gardner JM. Lipomatosis of nerve. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Angiolipoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Myolipoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Adult-type fibrosarcoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Gardner fibroma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM, C Fisher. Cellular neurothekeoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Deep granuloma annulare. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Rheumatoid nodule. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Smooth muscle hamartoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM, JB McHugh. Superficial leiomyoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Spindle cell hemangioma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM, T Mentzel. Kaposi sarcoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Solitary circumscribed neuroma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Superficial angiomyxoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Clear cell sarcoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Intimal sarcoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM. Extra-axial soft tissue chordoma. In: Diagnostic Pathology: Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd Edition. Editor: Lindberg. Amirsys/Elsevier. 2019.

Gardner JM, Lenskaya V. Miscellaneous soft tissue neoplasms. In: Dermatopathology for Residents. (e-textbook). Editors: Singh, Elston, Bhawan, and Prieto. Pathpresenter.com. 2019.

A Sriharan, M Bosic, E Carlquist, T Tebeica, R Meunier, IU Perkins, PS Rush, Gardner JM. Infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissue. In: Atlas of Infectious Disease Pathology. Editors: Wick and Chetty. Cambridge University Press - 2017.

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