Recent Research and Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

  1. Di J, Hickey C, Bumgardner C, Yousif M, Zapata M, Bocklage T, Balzer B, Bui MM, Gardner JM, Pantanowitz L, Qasem SA. Utility of artificial intelligence in a binary classification of soft tissue tumors. J Pathol Inform. 2024;PMID: 38496781:doi: 10.1016/j.jpi.2024.100368.

  2. Gonzalez RS, McKinnon EL, Fuller MY, Gardner JM, Chen W, Jiang XS. Is Social Media Here to Stay?: Survey Results Indicate Increasing Pathologist Interest and Engagement Over Time. Arch Pathol Lab. 2024;doi: 10.5858/arpa.2023-0387-OA:E-pub ahead of print.

  3. Ozdag Y, Koshinski JL, Carry BJ, Gardner JM, Garcia VC, Dwyer CL, Akoon A, Klena JC, Grandizio LC. A Comparison of Amyloid Deposition in Endoscopic and Open Carpal Tunnel Release. J Hand Surg AM. 2024;49(4):301-309.

  4. Pitch M, Sperling, L. The histopathologic diagnosis of traction alopecia: an evidence-based model. J Am Acad Dermatol . 2023;S0190-9622(23)01185-4:doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.05.094.

  5. Lynn TJ, Shi J, Liu H, Monaco S, Prichard JW, Lin F. Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome Type 1 Is a Highly Sensitive and Specific Marker for Diagnosing Triple-Negative Breast Carcinomas on Cytologic Samples. Arch Pathol lab Medi. 2023;

  6. Akpoviroro O, Pramick M, Adjei A. Isolated Pancreatic Metastasis from a Lung Adenocarcinoma Primary: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case Rep Oncol. 2023;16(1):988-998.

  7. Ibraheim MK, Gupta R, Gardner J, Elsensohn A. Artificial Intelligence in Dermatopathology: An Analysis of its Practical Application. Dermatopathology. 2023;10(1):93-94.

  8. Mukosera GT, Lee MP, Ibraheim MK, Elston D, Singh R, Ho J, Motaparthi K, Ahn CS, Lee BA, Gardner JM, Ferringer T, Elsensohn A. From Scope to Screen: A Collection of Online Dermatopathology Resources for Residents and Fellows. J Am Acad Dermat. 2023;12:12-14.

  9. Pitch M, Gardner JM. Comment on: “Clinicopathologic and molecular analyses of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma: A retrospective, multicenter study of 79 cases. J Am Acad Dermat. 2023;89(1):e49.

  10. Balu B, Ding Y, Junkins-Hopkins JM. VEXAS syndrome: diagnostic clues for dermatologists. Int J Dermatol. 2023;Online ahead of print:PMID36841896.

  11. Beck DB, Bodian DL, Shah V, Mirshahi UL, Kim J, Ding Y, Magaziner SJ, Strande NT, Cantor A, Haley JS, Cook A, Hill W, Schwartz AL, Grayson PC, Ferrada MA, Kastner DL, Carey DJ, Stewart DR. Estimated Prevalence and Clinical Manifestations of UBA1 Variants Associated with VEXAS Syndrome in a Clinical Population. JAMA. 2023;239(4):318-324.

  12. Lilley CM, Arnold CA, Arnold MA, Booth AL, Gardner JM, Jiang XS, Loghavi S, Mirza KM. Virtual Pathology Elective, Real Education: The Experience as a Model for Novel Pathology Pedagogy and a Primer for Curricular Evolution. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2023;28. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2022-0259-OA.:8-2023.

  13. Li J, Wilkerson ML, Deng FM, Liu H. The Application and Pitfalls of Immunohistochemical Markers in Challenging Diagnosis of Genitourinary Pathology. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2023;2023;10.5858/arpa.2022-0493-RA:4.

  14. Uqbal U, Li J, Diehl DL, Confer BD. Two for One"; Histologic Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori during EUS-guided Liver Biopsy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2023;doi:10.1016/j.gie.2023.07.015`:7-2023.

  15. Li J, Ettel M, Amin A, et al. Interobserver Reproducibility of Quantifying Gleason Pattern 4 Cancer in Prostate Biopsy: Implications for Clinical Practice. JCTP. 2023;3(1):4-9.

  16. Varano AT, McKinley TD, Junkins-Hopkins JM. Amicrobial pustulosis of the folds: A case report of a rare variant of neutrophilic dermatosis associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Cutan Pathol. 2023;In:Press.

  17. Theroux Z, Gardner J, Ortiz E, Kosik G, Junkins-Hopkins J. Neutrophilic fixed drug eruption, a histopathologic variant or an expected finding?-A report of two cases and review of the literature. J Cutan Pathol. 2023;50(10):884-889.

  18. Clark A, Kosik G, Desrosiers A, Tjarks BJ, Junkins-Hopkins JM. Localized argyria with pseudo-ochronosis: A report of two cases highlighting involvement of elastic fibers. J Cutan Pathol. 2023;50 (9):815-818.

  19. Bourgeau M, Gardner JM. Immunohistochemistry Update in Dermatopathology and Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2023;doi: 10.5858/arpa.2023-0033-RA:E-pub ahead of print.

  20. Schukow C, Punjabi LS, Gardner JM. #PathMastodon: An up-in-coming platform for pathology education among pathologists, trainees, and medical students. Adv Anat Pathol. 2023;In:Press.

  21. Marin LP, Presley JH, Noori K, McKinstry D, Dawson B, Sexton K, Peterson E, Harrington SE, Gardner JM, Nagalo BM, Montzavi-Karbassi B, Post SR, Nicholas RW, Kelly T. Partnership in Cancer Research (PCAR) Program Increases Medical Student Knowledge and Confidence to Perform Cancer Research. J Cancer Educ. 2023;doi: 10.1007/s13187-023-02383-9:Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37957501.

  22. Mukosera GT, Lee MP, Ibraheim MK, Elston D, Singh R, Ho J, Gardner JM, Ferringer T, Elsensohn A. Piloting a comprehensive virtual dermatopathology curriculum. Int J Dermatol. 2023;doi: 10.1111/ijd.16922:Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37997204.

  23. Lo S-Y, Yu HE. Moving average for a qualitative assay: an experiment with anti-hepatitis B core antibody serology testing. J Appl Lab Med. 2023;In:press.

  24. Shepherd J, Whetstone M, Mertz BJ, Lo S-Y, Yu HE. Uncommon Water Contaminant That Impacts Triglyceride Test. J Appl Lab Med. 2023;8:843-845.

  25. Wolk DM, Lanyado A, Tice AM, Shermohammed M, Kinar Y, Goren A, Chabris CF, Meyer MN, Shoshan A, Abedi V. Prediction of Influenza Complications: Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Prediction Model to Improve and Expand the Identification of Vaccine-Hesitant Patients at Risk of Severe Influenza Complications. J Clin Med. 2022;11(15):4342.

  26. Samies J, Shah RN, Pramick M, Unzueta A. Gastric Pseudomelanosis: An Uncommon Finding. Case Rep Gastrointest Med. 2022;2022:6294510.

  27. Matsuzawa-Ishimoto Y, Yao X, Koide A, Ueberheide BM, Axelrad JE, Reis BS, Parsa R, Neil JA, Devlin JC, Rudensky E, Dewan MZ, Cammer M, Blumberg RS, Ding Y, Ruggles KV, Mucida D, Koide S and Cadwell K. ?d IEL effector API5 masks genetic susceptibility to Paneth cell death. Nature. 2022;610:547-554.

  28. Ding Y, Zhou Y, Yuan J, Khanna A, Zhang L. Acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage with FLT3-ITD, report of 4 cases. Hematopathology. 2022;7(2):1-10.

  29. Ding Y, Chen G. Molecular testing panel in colorectal cancer. Human Pathology Reports. 2022;28:300632.

  30. Jawad M, Afkhami M, Ding Y, Zhang X, Li P, Young K, Xu ML, Cui W, Zhao Y, Halene S, Al-Kali A, Viswanatha D, Chen D, He R, Zheng G. DNMT3A R882 mutations confer unique clinicopathologic features in MDS including a high risk of AML transformation. Front Oncol. 2022;12:849376.

  31. Campbell K, Bridge JA, DiMaio D, Wilson J, Shalin SC, Gardner JM. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with platelet-derived growth factor-D (PDGFD) rearrangement; two cases with morphologically distinct presentations. J Cutan Pathol. 2022;49(3):274-277.

  32. Tsang P, Chen G. The Latest News in Genetic Molecular Pathology: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Biomarker and Select Solid Tumors. Pathology Outlines. 2022;XVII:1-2.

  33. Tsang P, Chen G. What's New in Molecular Pathology: Solid Tumors and NGS Panel Selection . Pathology Outlines. 2022;XVI:1-2.

  34. Giardina TD, Choi D, Korukonda S, Upadhyay D, Scott TM, Spitzmueller C, Schuerch C, Torretti D, Singh H. Inviting patients to identify diagnostic concerns through structured evaluation of their online visit notes. JAMIA. 2022;00(0):1-10.

  35. Amjad MA, Frank R, Ramakrishna S. Myelomatous Pleural Effusion; A Rare Occurrence in Multiple Myeloma. Cureus. 2022;14(6):e26045.

  36. Moyer E, Swid MA, Barrese J, Mock J, Tuliszewski, R, Frank R. Excision of a Sclerosing Polycystic Adenosis of the Deep Parotid Gland. Diagn Cytopathol. 2022;50(5):136-139.

  37. Yeker RM, Shaffer AD, Viswanathan P, Witchel SF, Mollen K, Yip L, Monaco SE, Duvvuri U, Simons JP. Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis and Aggressiveness of Pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Laryngoscope. 2022;132(8):1668-1674.

  38. Mollen KP, Shaffer AD, Yip L, Monaco SE, Huyett P, Viswanathan P, Witchel SF, Duvvuri U, Nikiforov YE, Simons JP. Unique Molecular Signatures are associated with aggressive histology in Pediatric Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Thyroid. 2022;32(3):236-244.

  39. Nichols JH, Ali M, Anetor J, Chen LS, Chen Y, Collins S, Das S, Devaraj S, Fu L, Greene DN, Karon BS, Kary H, Nerenz R, Rai A, Shajani-Yi Z, Thakur V, Wang S, Yu HE, Zamora LE. AACC Guidance Document on the Use of Point-of-Care Testing in Fertility and Reproduction. J Appl Lab Med. 2022;7:1202-1236.

  40. Khan A, Saleem M, Willner KD, Sullivan L, Yu HE, Mahmoud O, Alsaid A, Matsumura ME. Association of Chest Pain Protocol-Discordant Discharge with Outcomes Among Emergency Department Patients with Modest Elevations of High-Sensitivity Troponin. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(8):e2226809.

  41. Miller WG, Kaufman HW, Levey AS, Straseski JA, Wilhelms KW, Yu HE, Klutts JS, Hilborne LH, Horowitz GL, Lieske J, Ennis JL, Bowling JL, Jewis MJ, Montgomery E, Vassalotti, JA, Inker LA. National Kidney Foundation Laboratory Engagement Working Group Recommendations for Implementing the CKD-EPI 2021 Race-Free Equations for Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: Practical Guidance for Clinical Laboratories. Clin Chem. 2022;68:511-520.

  42. Higgins AD, Dunn RJ, Malikzai O, Ahmadzai M, Gardner JM, Stoff BK, McMichael JR. Kaposi sarcoma in Afghanistan: a case series from a tertiary referral center.. Dermatopathology (Basel). 2022;9(3):258-270.

  43. Rae M, Wong J, Tunis J, Hess WF, Gardner JM, DelSole EM. Atypical Presentation of Primary Osteosarcoma of the Lumbar Spine with Caval Tumor Thrombus in a 17-Year-Old Male: A Case Report. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2022;21(11):391-394.

  44. Li L, Bailiff OA, Blanchard B, Gardner JM. Primary epithelioid sarcoma of the conchal bowl in a 64-year-old male: A case report and review of the literature. Am J Dermatopathol. 2022;45(6):383-387.

  45. Sullivan C, Swid MA, Klena JW, J Kazmi SA, Frank R. Müllerian Cysts of the Posterior Mediastinum: Report of a Case, Institutional Retrospective Review of Posterior Mediastinal Lesions, and Review of the Literature. Cureus. 2022;14(11):e31298.

  46. Swid MA, Li L, Drahnak EM, Idom H, Quinones W. Updated Salivary Gland Immunohistochemistry: A Review. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2022;In:Press.

  47. Ding Y, Smith GH, Deeb K, Schneider T, Campbell A, Zhang L. Revealing Molecular Architecture of FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication: Development and Clinical Validation of a Web-based Application to Generate Accurate Nomenclature. Int J Lab Hematol. 2022;44(5):918-927.

  48. Washington A, Nam H, Pitch M, Anderson B, Stokes J, Helm M. Improvement of Pretibial Myxedema Following Administration of Teprotumumab. J Drugs Dermatol. 2022;21(11)):1252-1254.

  49. Samaan CB, Rohr BR, Maroon M, Chandler W. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus-like isotopic response to herpes zoster infection. Cutis. 2022;109(5 0:E22-E24.

  50. Kilgore JR, Dean A, Chandler, Wood L. A unilateral eruption in a child. Pediatr Dermatol. 2021;38(5):e35-e-37.

  51. Omer DM, Dozier J, Cao Z, Zhu H, McCain DA. A case report on a large, peduncular intra-abdominal hepatocellular carcinoma extending into the retroperitoneum. Clin Case Rep. 2021;9(3):1288-1291.

  52. Yi JZ, Enos CW, Prodanovic EM, Gardner JM, Roberts AA. A Slow-Growing Papule on the Right Shin: Challenge & Answer (Answer: Pleomorphic Hyalinizing Angiectatic Tumor). Am J Dermatopathol. 2021;43(11):84-2843.

  53. Sasapu A, Dunn AJL, Gardner J, Wong HK. Remission of refractory granulomatous primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma to brentuximab vedotin. BMJ Case Reports. 2021;14(7):e242895.

  54. Pearson LN, Johnson SA, Greene DN, Chambliss AB, Farnsworth CW, French D, Herman DS, Kavask PA, Merrill AE, Lo SM, Lyon ME, SoRelle JA, Schmidt RL. Side-effects of COVID-19 on patient care: An INR story. J Appl Lab Med. 2021;6(4):953-961.

  55. Harma A, Greene DN, Chambliss AB, Farnsworth CW, French D, Herman DS, Kavsak PA, Merrill AE, Lo SM, Lyon ME, Winston-McPherson G, Pearson LN, SoRelle JA, Waring AC, Schmidt, RL. The effect of the Covid-19 shutdown on glycemic testing and control. Clin Chem Acta. 2021;19:148-152.

  56. Ding Y, Campbell A, Zhang X, Fu K, Yuan J. Metachronous and clonally related classic Hodgkin lymphoma and nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. Pathology. 2021;53(2):285-288.

  57. Sarami I, Shi J, Lin B, Liu H, Monroe R, Lin F. Evaluation of Human Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (hKIM-1) Expression in Tumors from Various Organs by mRNA in situ Hybridization. Am J Clin Pathol. 2021;February:Epub ahead of print.

  58. Torous VF, Allan RW, Balani J, Baskovich B, Birdsong GG, Dellers E, Dryden M, Edgerton ME, Giannico GA, Heayn M, Jackson CR, Klepeis VE, Olson JE, Pettus JR, Simpson RW, Sirintrapun SJ, Smith DL, Srigley JR, Berman MA. Exploring the College of American Pathologists Electronic Cancer Checklists: What They Are and What They Can Do for You. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2021;145:392-398.

  59. Song E, Zhang C, Israelow B, Lu-Culligan A, Prado AV, Skriabine S, Lu P, Weizman OE, Liu F, Dai Y, Szigeti-Buck K, Yasumoto Y, Wang G, Castaldi C, Heltke J, Ng E, Wheeler J, Alfajaro MM, Levavasseur E, Fontes B, Ravindra NG, Van Dijk D, Mane S, Gunel M, Ring A, Kazmi SAJ, Zhang K, Wilen CB, Horvath TL, Plu I, Haik S, Thomas JL, Louvi A, Farhadian SF, Huttner A, Seilhean D, Renier N, Bilguvar K, Iwasaki A.. Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain. J Exp Med. 2021;218(3):e20202135.

  60. Absar SF, Tsang P. Liver Function Test Panel. Pathology 2021;26:March.

  61. Hrones M,Tsang P. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia / lymphoma . Pathology 2021;15:February.

  62. Li Y, Liu F, Zhou W, Zhang S, Chu P, Lin F, Wang HL. Diagnostic value of clusterin immunostaining in hepatocellular carcinoma. Diagn Pathol. 2021;15(1):127.

  63. Schleich C, Ferringer T. Tender, diffuse edematous and erythematous papules on the face, neck, chest and extremities. Cutis. 2021;107(4):197-198.

  64. Elsensohn A, Hanson J, Ferringer TC. Preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma (PRAME) expression in nonmelanoma skin cancers and melanocytes in surrounding skin. J Cutan Pathol. 2021;2021 Mar 15:doi: 10.1111/cup.14012. PMID 33719089.

  65. Moore MR, Friesner ID, Rizk EM, Fullerton BT, Mondal M, Trager MH, Mendelson K, Chikeka I, Kurc T, Gupta R, Rohr BR, Robinson EJ, Acs B, Chang R, Kluger H, Taback B, Geskin LJ, Horst B, Gardner K, Niedt G, Celebi JT, Gartrell-Corrado RD, Messina J, Ferringer T, Rimm DL, Saltz J, Wang J, Vanguri R, Saenger YM. Automated digital TIL analysis (ADTA) adds prognostic value to standard assessment of depth and ulceration in primary melanoma. Sci rep. 2021;11(1):2809.

  66. Moore MR, Friesner ID, Rizk EM, Fullerton BT, Mondal M, Trager MH, Mendelson K, Chikeka I, Kurc T, Gupta R, Rohr BR, Robinson EJ, Acs B, Chang R, Kluger H, Taback B, Geskin LJ, Horst B, Gardner K, Niedt G, Celebi JT, Gartrell-Corrado RD, Messina J, Ferringer T, Rimm DL, Saltz J, Wang J, Vanguri R, Saenger YM. Violaceous papule with an erythematous rim. Cutis. 2021;107(2):67, 72-73.

  67. Shermohammed M, Goren A, Lanyado A, Yesharim R, Wolk DM, Doyle J, Meyer MN, Chabris C. Informing patients that they are at high risk for serious complications of viral infection increases vaccination rates. medRxiv. 2021;02.20.21:252015.

  68. Li J, Zhang Y, Jilg AL, Wolk DM, Khara HS, Kolinovsky A, Rolston DDK, Hontecillas R, Bassaganya-Riera J, Williams MS, Abedi V, Lee MTM. Variants at the MHC region associate with susceptibility to Clostridioides difficile infection: A genome-wide association study using comprehensive electronic health records. Front Immunol.. 2021; pub ahead of print.

  69. Misra D, Avula V, Wolk DM, Farag, HA, Li J, Mehta YB, Sandhu R, Karunakaran B, Kethireddy S, Zand R, Abedi V. Early detection of septic shock onset using interpretable machine learning. J Clin Med. 2021;10(2):301.

  70. Goldfinger M, Shapiro L, Mustafa J, Lombardo A, Khatun F, Joseph F, Gillick K, Naik A, Elkind R, Abreu M, Fehn K, de Castro A, Binakaj D, Nelson R, Paroder M, Uehlinger J, Gritsman K, Sica R, Kornblum N, Shastri A, Mantzaris I, Bachier L, Braunschweig I, Verma A, Pradhan K. Safety of Axicabtagene Ciloleucel for Relapsed/Refractory Large B-cell Lymphoma in an Elderly Intercity Population. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021;In :Press.

  71. Barouqa M, Szymanski J, Nelson R, Jofre S, Paroder M. Bone marrow necrosis and fat embolism syndrome in sickle cell disease: A rapidly deteriorating complication. Transfusion. 2021;In :Press.

  72. Szymanski J, Mohrmann L, Carter J, Nelson R, Chekuri S, Assa A, Spund B, Reyes-Gil M, Uehlinger J, Baron S, Paroder M. ABO blood type association with SARS-CoV-2 infection mortality: A single-center population in New York City. Transfusion. 2021;In :Press.

  73. Xing J, Han M, Monaco SE, Dhir R, Roy S, Pantanowitz L. An institutional experience evaluating hTERT immunostaining in 100 consecutive ThinPrep urine specimens. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2021;10:88-93.

  74. Satturwar SP, Fuller MY, Monaco SE. Is Milan for Kids?: The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytology in Pediatric Patients at an Academic Children’s Hospital with Cytology-Histology Correlation. Cancer Cytopathol. 2021;129(11):884-892.

  75. Monaco SE, Brcic L, Dacic S. State of the art cytology of pleural fluid focusing on the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. Cytopathology. 2021;3(1):57-64.

  76. Lajara S, Trejo Bittar HE, Dacic S, Monaco SE, Pantanowitz L. Pulmonary Carcinomas Arising in Association with Scar: Cytomorphologic Features in Histologically Confirmed Cases. Diagn Cytopathol. 2021;49(6):753-760.

  77. Wu RI, Hatlak K, Monaco SE. Trends in Cytopathology Fellowship Positions and Vacancies over the Past Decade. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2021;10(5):471-476.

  78. Monaco SE, Nayar R, Wu RI, Staats P, Barkan GA. Cytopathology Fellowship Recruitment: Has the time come to consider a unified approach?. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2021;10(5):510-516.

  79. Akhtar I, Khurana K, Staats P, Monaco SE, Florence R. To Whom the Specimen Goes: A look at how touch preparations & needle core biopsies are handled in different practices and the effect on fellowship education. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2021;10(5):510-516.

  80. Satturwar S, Monaco SE, Xing J, Brand RE, Pantanowitz L. Bizarre benign cells in peri-rectal endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration due to seminal vesicle sampling. Diagn Cytopathol . 2020;48:586-588.

  81. Chevrier M, Monaco SE, Jerome JA, Galateau-Salle F, Churg A, Morrell M, Dacic S. Testing for BAP1 loss and CDKNA/p16 homozygous deletion improves the accurate diagnosis of mesothelial proliferations in effusion cytology.. Cancer Cytopathol. 2020;128(12):939-947.

  82. Thrall MJ, Vrbin C, Barkan GA, Monaco SE, Pambuccian SE, Pantanowitz L, Pitman MB, Kurtycz DFI. Small core needle biopsies in cytology practice: a survey of members of the ASC. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2020;9(5):310-321.

  83. Zeppa P, Cozzolino I, Caraway N, A-Abbadi M, Barroca H, Bode-Lesniewska B, Calaminic M, Chhieng DF, Ehinger M, Geddie W, Katz R, Lin O, Medeiros J, Monaco SE, Rajwanshi A, Schmitt F, Viehl P, Field A. A Proposal for the Performance, Classification, and Reporting of Lymph Node Fine Needle Aspiration Cytopathology: The Sydney System. Acta Cytologica. 2020;64:306-322.

  84. Choudhuri J, Carter J, Nelson R, Skalina K, Osterbur-Badhey M, Johnston A, Goldstein D, Paroder M, Szymanski J. SARS-CoV-2 PCR cycle threshold at hospital admission associated with patient mortality. PLoS ONE. 2020;15(12):e0244777.

  85. Li D, Wolk DM, Cantor M . Comparing Clinical Characteristics of Influenza and Common Coronavirus Infections using Electronic Health Records. J Infect Dis. 2020; :E pub ahead of print.

  86. Abedi V, Li J, Shivakumar MK, Avula V, Chaudhary DP, Shellenberger MJ, Khara, HS, Zhang Y, Lee MT, Wolk DM, Yeasin M, Hontecillas R, Bassaganya-Riera J, Zand R. Increasing the density of laboratory measures for machine learning applications. J Clin Med. 2020;10(1):103.

  87. Monaco SE, Han M, Dietz R, Xing J, Cuda J, Pantanowitz L. Cytological Evaluation of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte (TIL) Adoptive Cell Therapy. Am J Clin Pathol. 2020;31(5):411-418.

  88. Voyten J, Holtzman MP, Pantanowitz L, Dhir R, Beasley HS, Cuda J, Monaco S. Lessons learned from clinical trial queries on small biopsy collections: importance of rapid on-site evaluation. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2020;9(5):461-468.

  89. Satturwar S, Monaco SE, Xing J, Pantanowitz L. The Utility of Cell Blocks for International Cytopathology Teleconsultation by Whole Slide Imaging. Solicited for special issue on “Digital Imaging in Cytology and what is (im)possible”. Cytopathology. 2020;31(5):419-425.

  90. Satturwar S, Pantanowitz J, Manko C, Seigh L, Monaco SE, Pantanowitz L. Ki-67 Proliferation Index in Neuroendocrine Tumors: Can Augmented Reality Microscopy with Image Analysis Improve Scoring? . Cytopathology. 2020;128(8):535-544.

  91. Upadhyay Baskota S, Monaco SE, Xing J, Pantanowitz L. Peritheliomatous Pattern: A Diagnostic Clue for Diagnosing Metastatic Melanoma in Cytology. Cancer Cytopathol. 2020;128:260-268.

  92. Agarwal T, Monaco SE. Musculoskeletal small biopsies from small patients: current status in 2 academic hospitals. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2020;9(5):442-449.

  93. Soloff AC, Jones KE, Powers AA, Byrne-Steele M, Wang Y, Lund AW, Yuan JM, Monaco SE, Han J, Dhupar R, Lotze MT. HMGB1 Promotes Myeloid Egress and Limits Lymphatic Clearance of Malignant Pleural Effusions. Front Immunol. 2020;11:2027.

  94. Cecchini MJ, Mukhopadhyay S, Butt YM, Smith ML, Mehrad M, Jones KD, Beasley MB, Monaco SE, Saqi A, Larsen BT. E-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury: A Review for Pathologists. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020;144(12):1490-1500.

  95. Monaco SE, Dacic S, Seigh L, Hartman DJ, Xing J, Pantanowitz L. Quantitative Image Analysis for CD8 Score in Lung Small Biopsies & Cytology Cell Blocks. Cytopathology. 2020;31(5):393-401.

  96. Dhupar R, Okusanya OT, Eisenberg SH, Monaco SE, Ruffin AT, Liu D, Luketich JD, Kammula US, Bruno TC, Lotze MT, Soloff AC. Characteristics of Malignant Pleural Effusion Resident CD8+ T Cells from a Heterogeneous Collection of Tumors. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(17):6178.

  97. Xing J, Monaco SE, Cuda J, Pantanowitz L. Telecytology rapid on-site evaluation: Diagnostic challenges: technical issues and lessons learned. Cytopathology. 2020;31(5):402-410.

  98. Bross SP, Mongelluzzo, G, Conger, AR, Patel, MA, Vadakara, J, Grant M; Gatson, NTN. Case report of immuno-oncotherapy (IO) provoked encephalitis mimicking brain metastasis in a patient with history of traumatic brain injury. World Neurosurgery. 2020;139:483-487.

  99. Wriston DJ, Norfolk ER, Smith LM, Chen G, Bulbin DH. Doxycycline-induced antinuclear antibody and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis: A case report and literature review. Case Rep Hheumatol. 2020;2020:3853671-3853675.

  100. Li H, Zhang Q, Shuman L, Kaag M, Raman JD2, Merrill S, DeGraff D, Warrick JI, Chen G. Evaluation of PD-L1 and other immune markers in bladder urothelial carcinoma stratified by histologic variants and molecular subtypes. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):1439.

  101. Dorion A, Crabtree G, Dorion RP. Use of Polarized Light in the Diagnosis of “Fuzz” Granuloma in the Conjunctiva of a Child. Case Rep Ophthalmol. 2020;In:Press.

  102. Gross DJ, Kennedy M, Kothari T, Scamurra DO, Wilkerson ML, Crawford JM, Cohen MB. The role of the pathologist in population health. . Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020;143(5):610-620. .

  103. Shalin SC, Ferringer T, Cassarino DS. PAS and GMS utility in dermatopathology: Review of the current medical literature . J Cutan Pathol. 2020;47(11):1096-1102.

  104. Kulkarni PM, Robinson EJ, Sarin Pradhan J, Gartrell-Corrado RD, Rohr BR, Trager MH, Geskin LJ, Kluger HM, Wong PF, Acs B, Rizk EM, Yang C, Mondal M, Moore MR, Osman I, Phelps R, Horst BA, Chen ZS, Ferringer T, Rimm DL, Wang J, Saenger YM.. Deep learning based on standard H&E images of primary melanoma tumors identifies patients at risk for visceral recurrence and death. Clin Cancer Res. 2020;26(5):1126-1134.

  105. Tsongalis GJ, Turkmani MRA, Suriawinata M, Babcock MJ, Mitchell K, Ding Y, Scicchitano L, Tira A, Buckingham L, Atkinson S, Lax A, Aisner AL, Davies KD, Wood HN, O’Neill SS, Levine EA, Sequeira J, Harada S, DeFrank G, Paluri R, Tan BA, Colabella H, Snead C, Cruz-Correa M, Ramirez V, Rojas A, Huang H, Mackinnon AC, Garcia FU, Cavone SM, Elfahal M, Abel G, Vasef MA, Judd A, Linder MW, Alkhateeb K, Skinner WL, Boccia R, Patel K. Comparison of Tissue Molecular Biomarker Testing Turnaround Times and Concordance between Standard of Care and the Biocartis Idylla™ Platform in Colorectal Cancer Patients. Am J Clin Pathol. 2020;154(2):266-276.

  106. Gatson NTN, Bross SP, Odia Y, Mongelluzzo GJ, Hu Y, Lockard L, Manikowski JJ, Mahadevan A, Kazmi SAJ, Lacroix M, Conger AR, Vadakara J, Nayak L, Chi TL, Mehta MP, Puduvalli VK. Early imaging marker of progressing glioblastoma: a window of opportunity. Neurooncol. 2020;148(3):629-640.

  107. Rudkovskaia AA, Kazmi SA, Gitter L, Ayers ML. Pulmonary Metastasis of Basal Cell Cancer: Metastatic Basal Cell Cancer. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2020;27(1):e8-e1.

  108. Song E, Zhang C, Israelow B, Lu-Culligan A, Prado AV, Skriabine S, Lu P, Weizman OE, Liu F, Dai Y, Szigeti-Buck K, Yasumoto Y, Wang G, Castaldi C, Heltke J, Ng E, Wheeler J, Alfajaro MM, Levavasseur E, Fontes B, Ravindra NG, Van Dijk D, Mane S, Gunel M, Ring A, Jaffar Kazmi SA, Zhang K, Wilen CB, Horvath TL, Plu I, Haik S, Thomas JL, Louvi A, Farhadian SF, Huttner A, Seilhean D, Renier N, Bilguvar K, Iwasaki A. Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain (preprint). bioRxiv. 2020;2020:Sep 8.

  109. Lynn TJ, Olson JE. Improving critical value notification through secure text messaging. J Pathol Inform. 2020;11(1):21.

  110. Olson J. Implementation and Experience with Novel Methods for Improved Laboratory-Provider Communication. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2020;49(3):406-407.

  111. Grifone TJ. Cell polarity and oncogenesis: common mutations contribute to altered cellular polarity and promote malignancy. The Nucleus. 2020;63(2):91-106.

  112. Krenitsky A, Dean A, DiCarlo C, Bellus G, Hossler E. Diagnosis of pili trianguli et canaliculi by frozen section: A rapid and inexpensive method of diagnosis. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(3):534-536.

  113. Souchik AD, Dean AM, Tjarks BJ, Hossler EW, Strickler AG. Bumpy skin on the back, arms, and chest of a 4-year-old.. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020;37(2):369-370.

  114. Zurfley F, Shifflett K, Hossler EW. Chargemasters and Price Transparency in Dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;S0190-9622(20):32439-7.

  115. Brady MC, Hossler E. Reliability of biopsy margin status for basal cell carcinoma: a retrospective study. Cutis. 2020;106(6):315-317.

  116. Schaumberg A, Juarez-Nicanor W, Choudhury S, Pastrian L, Pritt B, Prieto Pozuelo M, Sotillo Sanchez R, Ho K, Zahra N, Sener B, Yip S, Xu B, Rao Annavarapu S, Morini A, Jones K, Rosado-Orozco K, Mukhopadhyay S, Miguel C, Yang H, Rosen Y, Ali R, Folaranmi O, Gardner J, Rusu C, Stayerman C, Gross J, Suleiman D, Sirintrapun SJ, Aly M, Fuchs T. Interpretable multimodal deep learning for real-time pan-tissue pan-disease pathology search on social media. Mod Pathol. 2020;33(11):2169-2185..

  117. Jug R, Booth AL, Buckley AF, Newell J, Kestersond J, Gardner JM, Ozcanf L, Liug B, Green C, Joseph L, Cummings TJ. A multisite quality improvement study of a patient-pathologist consultation program. A J Clin Pathol. 2020;2020 Dec 28;aqaa202. doi: 10.1093/ajcp/aqaa202 :Online ahead of print.

  118. Lindsey M, Vishal S, Gardner JM, Shalin SC. Characterization of morphologic and cytochemical staining properties of exogenous materials mimicking fungal organisms encountered in skin biopsies. A J Clin Dermatopathol. 2020;In:Press.

  119. Jeffus SK, Quick CM, Chen C, Kaley JR, Gardner JM, Shalin SC. Prospective consensus reporting by gynecologic pathology and dermatopathology improves diagnosis of vulvar biopsies. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020;44(12):0.

  120. Polesie S, McKee PH, Gardner JM, Gillstedt M, Siarov J, Neittaanmäki N, Paoli J. Attitudes towards artificial intelligence within dermatopathology: an international online survey. Front Med (Lausanne) . 2020;7:59195.

  121. Dawson K, Bridge JA, Sumegi J, Thomas R, Gardner JM, Shalin SC. Epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma with dot-like perinuclear ALK Expression and PRKAR2A-ALK fusion. Am J Dermatopathol. 2020;42(11):861-864.

  122. Cloutier JM, Shalin SC, Lindberg MR, Gardner JM, Fernandez Pol S, Zaba L, Novoa R, Brown RA. Cutaneous pleomorphic fibromas arising in patients with germline TP53 mutations. Am J Dermatopathol. 2020;47(8):734-741.

  123. Kern M, Gardner JM. Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Scurvy. N Engl J Med. 2020;82(20):e56. .

  124. Murphy L, Orman G, Bridge JA, Bajaj G, Gardner JM, Douglass DP. Primary superficial Ewing sarcoma: A unique entity? A case report including novel findings of ELF3 and TNFRSF14 copy number loss. J Cutan Pathol. 2020;82(20):e56.

  125. Pearson CS, Bradsher RW, Gardner JM, Wong HK, Kern MH, Dawson K. PHOTO QUIZ: New skin nodules in a man with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: what is your diagnosis? (Answer: histoplasmosis). . Infect Dis Trop Med. 2020;6:6: e609l.

  126. Bajaj G, Tirumani H, Whisman M, Raichandani S, Ram R, Jambhekar K, Gardner JM, Pandey T. Comprehensive review of abdominopelvic mesenchymal tumors with radiologic pathologic correlation and update on current treatment guidelines – Part 1. Semin Ultrasound CT M. 2020;41(2):222-238.

  127. Mukhopadhyay S, Booth AL, Calkins SM, Doxtader E, Fine SW, Gardner JM, Gonzalez RS, Mirza KM, Jiang XS. Leveraging Technology for Remote Learning in the Era of COVID-19 and Social Distancing. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020;144(9):1027-1036.

  128. Gardner JM, Grody WW. Memories of Gene Herbek, MD. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020;doi: 10.5858/arpa.2020-0581-LE :Online ahead of print.

  129. Chen JY, Gardner JM, Chen SC, McMichael J. Instagram for Dermatology Education (lettter to the editor). J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;83(4):1175-1176.

  130. Gesheva A, Pitch M, Rosamilia L, Hossler E. Keratotic papule on the abdomen. Cutis. 2020;105(5):230-231.

  131. Grandhi R, Bazewicz CG, Tjarks BJ, Lin G, Ferringer TC, Hossler EW. Distinct violaceous plaques in conjunction with blisters. Cutis. 2020;105(2):71-72.

  132. Nelson R, Fellowes V, Jin P, Liu Hui, Highfill S, Ren J, Szymanski J, Flegel W, Stroncek, D. Group O Plasma as a Media Supplement for CAR-T Cells and other Adoptive T-Cell Therapies. Transfusion. 2020;60(5):1004-1014.

  133. Abbasi A, Peeke S, Shah N, Mustafa J, Khatun F, Lombardo A, Abreu M, Elkind R, Fehn K, de Castro A, Wang Y, Derman O, Nelson R, Uehlinger J, Gritsman K, Sica RA, Kornblum N, Mantzaris I, Shastri A, Janakiram M, Goldfinger M, Verma A, Braunschweig I, Bachier-Rodriguez L. Axicabtagene ciloleucel CD19 CAR-T Cell therapy results in high rates of systemic and neurologic remissions in 10 patients with refractory Large B-cell Lymphoma including 2 with HIV and viral hepatitis. J Hematol Oncol . 2020;13(1):1-4.

  134. Warrington JS, Swanson K, Dodd, M, Lo SY, Haghamad A, Duque TB, Cook B. Measuring What Matters: How the Laboratory Contributes Value in the Opioid Crisis. J Appl Lab Med. 2020;5(6):1378-1390.

  135. Winston-McPherson GN, Lo SY, Baird GS, Hoofnagle AN, Greene DN. The Reply to Comments on Cannabis Legalization and Opioid Compliance. Am J Med. 2020;132(9):e717.

  136. Lo SY, Winston-McPherson GN,Starosta AJ, Sullivan MD, Baird GS, Hoofnagle AN, Greene DN. Cannabis Legalization Does Not Influence Patient Compliance with Opioid Therapy. Am J Med. 2020;132(3):347-353.

Other Publications:

  1. Prichard J. In anatomic pathology, a balancing act (Interview). CAP Today. August 2023; 1, 2023.

  2. Junkins-Hopkins. Expert opinion: A medal-worthy diagnosis: medallion-like dermal dendrocyte hamartoma. Dermatology World. 5(34); , 2023.

  3. Prichard J. AP LIS panel: complexity, middleware, reports, AI (Interview). CAP Today. February 2022; 1, 2022.

  4. Ding Y. BCR-ABL1. Pathology Outlines. ; March 30, 2022.

  5. Ding Y. KRAS. Pathology Outlines. ; March 21, 2022.

  6. Ferringer TC. Association of Histologic Regression With a Favorable Outcome in Patients With Stage 1 and Stage 2 Cutaneous Melanoma. Practice Update Website. 2021; January 14, 2021.

  7. Yu HE. Point-of-Care Urinary Drug Screening. Clinical Toxicology News. An AACC/CAP Newsletter for Toxicology Laboratories; 9/2021, pages 1-4, 2021.

  8. Ferringer TC. Quality Assurance in Dermatopathology: A Review of Report Amendments . PracticeUpdate .; -, 2020.

  9. Elsensohn A, Schleich C, Ferringer T. Painless Unilateral Eyelid Swelling. ASDP. Online Interactive Case Study; November, 2020.

Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Mohammad MK, Chen G. Molecular pathology of gastrointestinal tumors. In Ding Y, Zhang L, eds. Practical Oncologic Molecular Pathology: Frequently Asked Questions. Springer. New York, New York. 2020.

  2. Chen G, Chen E, Li J, Li J, and Lin F. Lower gastrointestinal tract and microsatellite instability (MSI). In Lin F, Prichad J, Liu H, WIlkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry-Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  3. Chen Z, Ding Y, Lin F. Overview of Immunohistochemistry Assessment of Cancer-Related Predictive Biomarkers and Common Genetic Alterations. In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry-Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  4. Zhang M, Ding Y. Lymph node. In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry-Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  5. Yin H, Ding Y, Quinones W, Zelonis M, Snyder D. Application of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) in Surgical and Cytologic Specimens (Solid Tumors, Hematopoietic Tumors, Urine, Bile Duct Brushing, and Bronchoscopy). In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry-Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  6. Ding Y, Zhang L. The Molecular Pathobiology of Malignant Process and Molecular Diagnostic Testing for Cancer. In Ding Y, Zhang L, eds. Practical Oncologic Molecular Pathology - Frequently Asked Questions, 1st Edition. Springer. New York, NY. 2021.

  7. Ding Y, Al-Obaidy KI and Cheng L. Genitourinary Neoplasms. In Ding Y, Zhang L, eds. Practical Oncologic Molecular Pathology - Frequently Asked Questions, 1st Edition. Springer. New York, NY. 2021.

  8. Ding Y. Mature B Cell Neoplasms. In Ding Y, Zhang L, eds. Practical Oncologic Molecular Pathology - Frequently Asked Questions, 1st Edition. Springer. New York, NY. 2021.

  9. Ding Y, Zhang L, eds. Practical Oncologic Molecular Pathology - Frequently Asked Questions, 1st Edition. Springer. New York, NY. 2021.

  10. Ferringer T. Skin. In Lin F, Prichard JW, Wilkerson M, Chen ZM, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunhistochemistry-Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, NY. 2022.

  11. Frank R, Meschter SC. Exfoliative Cytology and Effusions. In Lin F, Prichard JW, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, NY. 2022.

  12. Kazlouskaya V, Junkins-Hopkins JM . Vasculitis and Neutrophilic Dermatoses and Related Disorders: Cutaneous Anatomy, Biology and Inherited Disorders, and General Dermatologic Concepts. In Nooshin Bagherani and Bruce R. Smoller, eds. Atlas of Dermatology, Dermatopathology and Venereology. Springer International Publishing. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2020.

  13. Kazmi S, Wu H, Schuerch C. Central Nerve System. In Lin F, Prichard JW, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  14. Gupta A, Singh R, Schaberg K, Lynn T, Sonawane S, Ahrendsen J, Joneja U. . In , eds. Ace the Boards: Surgical Pathology Reimagined. Ace My Path. New York, NY. 2022.

  15. Wilkerson M, Hewitt S. Tissue Microarray. In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  16. Liu H, Wilkerson M, Lin F. Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands. In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  17. Wilkerson M, Cheng L. Urinary bladder and urachus. In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  18. Wilkerson M, Cheng L. Testis and paratesticular tissues. In Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Springer. New York, New York. 2022.

  19. Zucker ML, LaDuca FM, Owen R, Bennett SF, Clark S, Fantz CR, Halim AB, Kaur P, Khan A, Kocis PT, Lessard C, Nevins K, Riley PW, Stavelin A, Yu HE. . In , eds. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Guideline POCT14—Point of Care Coagulation Testing and Anticoagulation Monitoring 2nd edition. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Wayne, PA . 2020.

  20. Yu HE, Heger NE. Synthetic opioids. In Magnani BJ, Kwong T, McMillin G, Wu A, eds. Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals. CAP Press. Northfield, Illinois. 2020.

  21. Yu HE, Horowitz GL. Over-the-counter Aaalgesics. In Magnani BJ, Kwong T, McMillin G, Wu A, eds. Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals. CAP Press. Northfield, Illinois. 2020.

Abstracts, Posters, and Other Presentations:

  1. Styer AM, Hernandez DR, Lopansri B, Riedel S, Myers MC, Kreischer LA, and Wolk DM. Verification of real time PCR for the detection of antibiotic-resistance markers and semi-quantitation of urinary tract pathogens from urine samples. Poster. American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, California, June 2019.

  2. Gardner J. What’s new? Updates in Dermatopathology. Invited Lecture. Annual Conference of the SSDV (Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology/Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie), Basel, Switzerland, September 19, 2024.

  3. Gardner J. Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors for Surgical Pathologists (Spindle cell diagnoses you don’t want to miss!. Invited Lecture. 34th Brazilian Congress of Pathology, Belem, Brazil, June 1, 2024.

  4. Gardner J. Skin Adnexal Tumors. Invited Lecture. 34th Brazilian Congress of Pathology, Belem, Brazil, June 1, 2024.

  5. Gardner J. Medical student participation in rare cancer patient support groups on Facebook. Invited Lecture. M2 medical students participating in the UAMS Partners in Cancer Research (PCAR) summer cancer research program, Virtual, June 2024.

  6. Gardner J. How Social Media Changed My Life: The role of Twitter (X), Facebook, YouTube, etc. in Pathology & Medicine. Grand Rounds. Inaugural Dr. Arthur Rabson Tufts Medical Center Pathology Grand Rounds, Boston, Massachusetts, June 2024.

  7. Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology cases. Presentation to. Pathology Residents at Tufts Medical Center Department of Pathology, Boston, Massachusetts, June 2024.

  8. Gardner J. How Social Media Changed My Life: The role of Twitter (X), Facebook, YouTube, etc. in Pathology & Medicine. Invited Lecture. 34th Brazilian Congress of Pathology, Belem, Brazil, May 31, 2024.

  9. Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive virtual discussion . Pathology faculty at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru, May 17, 2024.

  10. Gardner J. Leadership and Professional Development (LAPD): Social Media for Trainees. Interactive virtual panel discussion. Pathology faculty and residents at University of Pennsylvania Department of Pathology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2024.

  11. Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive Virtual Discussion. pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru, May 2024.

  12. Gardner J. Social Media for Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologists. Presentation. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP) , Orlando, Florida, April 2024.

  13. Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology unknown cases for oral & maxillofacial pathologists. Presentations. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP) 2024 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 2024.

  14. Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology cases. Presentation to Residents. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Cente, Lubbock, Texas, March 2024.

  15. Gardner J. Dermatopathology & soft tissue pathology cases.. Presentations. NYU Pathology Residents, New York, New York, November 2023.

  16. Gardner J. Pathology education via social media. Grand Rounds . New York University (NYU) Department of Pathology, New York, New York, November 2023.

  17. Gardner J. A journey through soft tissue pathology. Virtual Lecture. XXIII National Congress of La Federación de Anatomía Patológica de la Republica Mexicana (FEDPATMEX), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, November 2023.

  18. Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive virtual discussion . Pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru, November 2023.

  19. Gardner J, Bowen T. Orthopedic Oncology & Bone/Soft Tissue Pathology. Case Discussion. Orthopedic surgery & pathology student interest groups at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Scanton, Pennsylvania, October 2023.

  20. Gardner J. 7 deadly sins: 7 cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. Consultation Session Course. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 2023.

  21. Gardner J. Immunohistochemistry Updates: Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology. Presentation. 4th Geisinger Seminar in Anatomic Pathology, Danville, Pennsylvania, September 2023.

  22. Gardner HM. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive Virtual Discussion. Pathology faculty and residents , Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru, August 2023.

  23. Junkins-Hopkins J. Benign Neoplasms, Dermal hypertrophy. Invited Lecture. World Congress of Dermatology, Singapore, July 2023.

  24. Junkins-Hopkins J. Instructive cases in cutaneous lymphoma. Invited Lecture. World Congress of Dermatology, Singapore, July 2023.

  25. Junkins-Hopkins J. Clinical-pathologic correllation. Invited Lecture. International Jordanian Aesthetic Conference , Amman, Jordan, June 2023.

  26. Junkins-Hopkins J. Updates on the histopathologic diagnosis of alopecia. Invited Lecture. International Jordanian Aesthetic Conference , Amman, Jordan, June 2023.

  27. Junkins-Hopkins J. Histology of aesthetic dermatology . Invited Lecture. International Jordanian Aesthetic Conference , Amman, Jordan, June 2023.

  28. Murphy J, Miller C, Hurst K, Yu HE. Enabling laboratories to do more with less: Assessment of workflow efficiencies through instrument consolidation in an Immunology lab. Poster. 2023 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Scientific Meetin, Anaheim, California, July 2023.

  29. Pitch M. The Sebaceous Gland: Alopecia and Beyond. Presentation. Geisinger Pathology Grand Rounds, Danville, Pennsylvalnia, June 2023.

  30. Gardner J. Dermatopathology Education via Social Media. Presentatiion. 30th annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Histologie (ADH) (German Society of Dermatopathology), Lübeck, Germany, June 2023.

  31. Gardner J. Survival Guide for Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors (Spindle cell diagnoses you don’t want to miss!). Presentation. 30th annual conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Histologie (ADH) (German Society of Dermatopathology), Lübeck, Germany, June 2023.

  32. Rizwan R, Fiore C, Melrose E, Gardner JM, Strickler AG. Simple and Effective Initiative for Improving the Quality of Slides for Skin Specimens. Presentation. 25th Joint Meeting of the International Society of Dermatopathology (ISDP), New Orleans, LA, May 2022.

  33. Gardner J. Soft tissue tumors every dermatologist should know. Presentation. Utah Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Springdale, Utah, April 2023.

  34. Gardner J. I'm teaching even when I'm sleeping: The power of YouTube for medical education. Presentation. Utah Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Springdale, Utah, April 2023.

  35. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: The role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Utah Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, Springdale, Utah, April 2023.

  36. Kondratuk K, Chandler, W, Gardner, J. Steatocystoma Multiplex Suppurativa in a Patient with Pachonychia Congenita Type 2. Poster Presentation. International Society of Dermatopatholog, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 17-18, 2023.

  37. Shah S, Campbell A, Ding Y. It is hard to treat what you can’t see: Hereditary Hemochromatosis workflow improvement at Geisinger. Presentation. 112th Annual USCAP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisana, March 11-16, 2023.

  38. Li H, Campbell A, Rovenolt R, Ding Y. Characterization of Homologous Recombination Deficiency-associated Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma using Oncomine Comprehensive Assay Plus NGS-Based Cancer Panel. Presentation. 112th Annual USCAP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisana, March 11-16, 2023.

  39. Gardner J. Discussion of difficult dermatopathology and bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive Virtual Discussion. Pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru, March 2023.

  40. Yu HE. Access, Connect, and Engage (A.C.E.) - Keys to Future Success of Home Testing. Chaired and Presented. 30th Molecular & Precision Med Tri-Conference, San Diego, California, March 2023.

  41. Pitch M, Childs J. A Nefarious Duo: A Rare Case of a Basomelanocytic Tumor. Poster Presentation. International Society for Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisana, March 2023.

  42. Kavus H, Sarami I, Haley JS, Hill W, Smelser DT, Carey DJ, Junkins-Hopkins JM. New Insights Into Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Genetics Using Genome-Wide Analyses of 175000 Individuals. Presentation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2023.

  43. Kavus H, Campbell A, Scicchitano L, Knock B, Scicchitano M, Kershner J, Ding Y. C282Y, H63D, and S65C HFE gene mutation testing at Geisinger: A five Year Retrospective Study and Workflow Improvement. Presentation. 2022 Annual AMP Conference and Expo, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1-5, 2022.

  44. Campbell A, Knock B, Scicchitano M, Chen G, Li H, Ding Y. Performance Evaluation of an Automated Genomic Diagnostic Assay for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Presentation. 2022 Annual AMP Conference and Expo, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1-5, 2022.

  45. Rizwan R, Schuerch C. Histopathologic Findings in the Lymph Node of a Child with Kawasaki Disease Presenting as Cervical Lymphadenopathy and Retropharyngeal Fluid Collection. Archives of Pathology. Presentation. College of American Pathologists (CAP) annual meeting , New Orleans, LA, October 2022.

  46. Rizwan R, Bowen TR, Zhu S, Gardner JM.. High-grade Osteosarcoma with Background Low-grade Osteosarcoma in a Pregnant Female with Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome. Presentation. College of American Pathologists (CAP) annual meeting , New Orleans, LA, October 2022.

  47. Rizwan R, Gardner JM. Multifocal Spindle Cell Hemangiomas with Background Benign Vascular Malformation: CD34 Immunostaining Pattern is Important to Recognize. Presentation. College of American Pathologists (CAP) annual meeting , New Orleans, LA, October 2022.

  48. Kavus H, Ding Y, Zhang K. A Rare Case of Systemic Mastocytosis with an Associated Hematological Neoplasm (SM-AHN) and double pathogenic SF3B1 mutations. Presentation. College of American Pathologists (CAP) annual meeting , New Orleans, LA, October 2022.

  49. Lynn TJ, Frank R, Pramick MR, Lin F, Monaco SE. Rotation of ROSEs: Workload and Reimbursement Analysis of System-wide Telecytology ROSE coverage in a Multi-site Rural Health System. Platform Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2022.

  50. Gardner J. “7 deadly sins: 7 cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. RConsultation Session Course. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 2022.

  51. Gardner J. Soft Tissue Pathology Is Fun...Really! A Crash Course for General Pathologists. Short Course. College of American Pathologists Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 2022.

  52. Pitch M, Sperling L. The Histopathologic Diagnosis of Traction Alopecia: an Evidence-Based Approach. Poster Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 2022.

  53. Pitch M, Strickler A. Sox-10 Positive Paget Disease: A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall. Oral Abstract Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 2022.

  54. Mills J, Yu HE, Vanenkevort E, Hoffman S, Matsumura M and Voyce S. Concomitant Use of Creatine Kinase MB and High-sensitivity Troponin: What is the Cost?. Poster. 2022 American Heart Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 2022.

  55. Gardner J. Pathology Career Discussion. Presentation. Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Virtual, September 2022.

  56. Gardner J. Fibrohistiocytic lesions and more (part 1). Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2022.

  57. Gardner J. Fibrohistiocytic lesions and more (part 2). Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2022.

  58. Gardner J. More dermpath soft tissue slides. Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2022.

  59. Gardner J. CPC slide presentation 1 (dermpath soft tissue unknown cases discussion). . Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2022.

  60. Gardner J. CPC slide presentation 2 (dermpath soft tissue unknown cases discussion). . Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2022.

  61. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine.” (Steven Kossard Lecture) . Presentation. 42nd Australasian Dermatopathology Society Meeting, Perth, Australia (virtual), September 2022.

  62. Gardner J. Dermatopathology - I - Infectious Diseases of the Skin. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. CME course: Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual, July 2022.

  63. Gardner J. Dermatopathology - II - Inflammatory Dermpath - Patterns and Terminology. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. CME course:Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual, July 2022.

  64. Gardner J. Dermatopathology - III - Skin Adnexal Tumors. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. CME course: Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual, July 2022.

  65. Gardner J. Dermatopathology - IV - Miscellaneous Dermpath. Recorded video lecture/CME Course. CME course: Need-to-Know Pathology: A Review for Physicians in a Hurry, Virtual, July 2022.

  66. Stoppie K, Witmer A, Lo SY. A Quantitative LC-MS/MS Urine Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine Assay with Automated Sample Preparation. Poster Presentation. 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 2022.

  67. Yu HE. AACC Guidance on the use of Point-of-Care Testing in Fertility and Reproduction. Presentation . 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 2022.

  68. Lo SY. Establishing a LC-MS/MS Quality Assurance Program. Presentation. 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinoins, July 2022.

  69. Laam L, Yu HE. Implementation of High-sensitivity Troponin Improve ED Discharge Time at Multiple Facilities in a Hospital System in Central Pennsylvania. Poster. 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, , July 2022.

  70. Yu HE. Premature Rupture of Membrane (PROM) testing, Fetal blood scalp (FBS) testing and umbilical cord blood testing: Clinical Utility and Performance. Presentation. 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, , July 2022.

  71. Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. Dermatology & pathology residents at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (virtual), June 2022.

  72. Gardner J. Medical student participation in rare cancer patient support groups on Facebook. Presentation. UAMS Partners in Cancer Research (PCAR) summer cancer research program, Little Rock, AK, June 2022.

  73. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Lecture. 105th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pathologie e.v. , Münster, Germany (virtual), June 2022.

  74. Frank R. Integrating Pathology and Laboratory Medicine into Clinical Clerkships. Presentation. 27th Annual Geisinger Scholarship Days, Danville, Pennsylvania, May 2022.

  75. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Grand Rounds . Thomas Jefferson University Department of Pathology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Philadelphia, PA, May 2022.

  76. Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Grand Rounds . Thomas Jefferson University Department of Pathology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Philadelphia, PA, May 2022.

  77. Pitch M, Mutizwa M, Strickler A. Dupilumab Injection Site Reaction Following SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination. Oral Presentation. Dermatopathology Trainee World Cup, International Society for Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, May 2022.

  78. Pitch M, Junkins-Hopkins J. ’Hot Off the Press’ A Case of Bullous Erythema Ab Igne with Reactive Angiomatosis. Poster Presentation. International Society for Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, May 2022.

  79. Swid A, Campbell A, Chen G, Ding Y. An autonomous estimation of neoplastic cellularity by molecular methodology shows promising results over the light microscopic assessment. Oral PlatformPresentation. Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists (PAP) 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 8-9, 2022.

  80. Gardner J. Building your brand via social media. Presentation . College of American Pathologists RFEC for Medical Students Interested in Pathology, Online Event, April 2022.

  81. Gardner J. Inflammatory dermpath 101. Presentation . Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists 2022 annual meeting, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 2022.

  82. Gardner J. Basics of molecular testing for the dermatologist. Presentation . 2022 Atlantic Dermatological Conference , Virtual Event, April 2022.

  83. Yu HE. Tips for more accessible, inclusive trainings. Presentation . CDC’s OneLab Virtual Summit 2022, Online, April 2022.

  84. Yu HE. A glimpse into 2030 - Our future at-home testing model depends on now. Presentation . Roche ASPIRE Point of Care webinar, Online, April 2022.

  85. Gardner, J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. University of New Mexico Department of Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 2022.

  86. Gardner, J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. University of New Mexico Department of Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 2022.

  87. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Grand Rounds. University of New Mexico Department of Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Round, Virtual, March 2022.

  88. Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. University of New Mexico Pathology and Dermatology Residents, Virtual, March 2022.

  89. Jawad M, Afkhami M, Ding Y, Zhang X, Li P, Xu ML, Cui W, Kim YS, Halene S, Viswanatha DS, He R, Chen D, Zheng . DNMT3A R882 mutations confer unique clinicopathologic features in MDS including a high risk of AML transformation. Presentation. 111th Annual USCAP Annual Meeting , Los Angeles, California, March 19-24, 2022.

  90. Joseph N, Campbell A, Ding Y. No Bones About It: Disease Monitoring Using Next Generation Sequencing in Peripheral Blood for Patients with Myeloid Neoplasms. Presentation. 111th Annual USCAP Annual Meeting , Los Angeles, California, March 19-24, 2022.

  91. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Duke University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Durham, North Carolina, February 2022.

  92. Yu HE. At-Home Point-of-Care Testing – How Clinical Laboratory Professionals Can Assist. Chaired and presented. 29th Molecular & Precision Med Tri-Conference, Online, February 2022.

  93. Yu HE. Elevating the value of at-home testing: what can we do now. Interactive discussion leader. 29th Molecular & Precision Med Tri-Conference, Online, February 2022.

  94. Gardner J. What sarcomas should you know as a dermatologist?. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 2022.

  95. Gardner J. Soft tissue tumors you shouldn't miss. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 2022.

  96. Gardner J. Keep Calm and Tweet On. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 2022.

  97. Gardner J. My TEDx talk .. a life changing experience. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 2022.

  98. Gardner J. I'm teaching even when I’m sleeping. Presentation. 4th Meeting of DIAD-DIAL (Dubai International Academy of Dermatopathology - Dubai International Academy of Laser & Aesthetic Dermatology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 2022.

  99. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Richmond, Virginia, December 2021.

  100. Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Richmond, Virginia, December 2021.

  101. Campbell A, Erdman R, Knock B, Scicchitano M, Ding Y. Clinical Validation of the Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Diagnostic Assay on an automated Next Generation Sequencing System. Presentation. 2021 Annual AMP Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 16-20, 2021.

  102. Campbell A, Scicchitano L, Knock B, Rovenolt R, Ding Y. Performance Evaluation of an Economical, Timesaving, Quantitative Molecular Assay for Detection of BCR-ABL1 Transcripts. Presentation. 2021 Annual AMP Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 16-20, 2021.

  103. Gardner J. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Presentation. Stony Brook University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Stony Brook, New York, November 2021.

  104. Gardner J. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Presentation. Stony Brook University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Stony Brook, New York, November 2021.

  105. Shrestha S, Zaidi R, Schuerch C, Singh G. A Rare Cause of Reversible Granulomatous Lung Disease Leading to Hypercalcemia in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient . Poster PO0583. American Society of Nephrology, Virtual Meeting, October 27-28 and November 4-7, 2021.

  106. Gardner JM. Pitfalls in cutaneous soft tissue pathology. Invited Lecture. XXIV National Peruvian Congress of the Asociación Peruana de Patólogos (Peruvian Association of Pathologists, Virtual (Peru), November 2021.

  107. Gardner JM. Updates from the WHO Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours 5th Edition. Virtual Presentation. Late Fall Massachusetts Society of Pathologists Meeting , Massachusetts (Virtual), November 2021.

  108. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Invited lecture. Stony Brook University Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Stony Brook, New York (virual), November 2021.

  109. Gardner JM. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Invited lecture. Stony Brook University Department of Dermatology , Stony Brook, New York (virual), November 2021.

  110. Joseph N, Snyder D, Lin F, Frank R, Monaco SE. Impact of Telecytology Implementation on utilization and diagnostic categories in different cytopathology specimen sources. Poster Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology, Chicago, IIllinois, November 17-20, 2021.

  111. Lynn TJ, Liu H, Lee SM, Monaco SE. Assessing Confidence and Competence in Ultrasound-guided FNA using an Educational Program with Simulation for Cytopathology Fellows. Poster Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology, Chicago, IIllinois, November 17-20, 2021.

  112. Pramick M, Mehr C, Prichard J, Monaco SE. Analysis of Impact of Pre-Analytical Factors on Theranostic Markers in Small Biopsies of Breast Cancer at Remote Locations. Poster Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology, Chicago, IIllinois, November 17-20, 2021.

  113. Gardner JM. Soft Tissue Tumors presented as part of Short Course II Beyond Gestalt Diagnosis. Virtual presentation. American Society for Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 2021.

  114. Gardner JM. Bone & soft tissue pathology basics. Virtual presentation to Orthopedic Residents. Guthrie Clinic, Sayre, Pennsylvania, October 2021.

  115. Gardner JM. Bone pathology 101. Virtual Presentation. Karnataka Chapter of the Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists, Karnataka, India, October 2021.

  116. Hunsicker, S. Hossler, E. Retrospective Analysis of Proportion of Hairs Involved in Biopsy of Fungal Folliculitis. Virtual Poster Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  117. Pitch M, Bridgens E, Hossler E. Lichen Planus Pigmentosus Inversus: Characteristic Features of a Rare Entity. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  118. Rizwan R, Ferringer T. Pernio-like skin changes after the moderna MRNA-1273 covid-19 vaccination: A Case report. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  119. Theroux Z, Ferringer T. Clinicopathologic findings of Post-Irradiation Morpheaform dermatitis. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  120. Rizwan R, Strickler A, Ferringer, T. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma-like features in a Cylindroma. Virtual Podium Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  121. Kupiec P, Ferringer T, Schleich C.. New Kid on the Block: Poikilodermatous Plaque-like Hemangioma. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  122. Riswold K, Fiore C. Junkins-Hopkins J. Sterile Follicular Neutrophilic Dermatosis in Crohn Disease. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  123. Aghighi M, Junkins-Hopkins J. Sclerotic Fibroma with Floret-Type Multinucleated Giant Cells and Negative PTEN Expression in a Case of Cowden Syndrome. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  124. Hopkins C, Junkins-Hopkins J. A Case of Desmoplastic Sebaceoma: A Rare Variant. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  125. Aghighi M, Junkins-Hopkins J. Incidental Finding of Dermal Hyperneury in an Adult Patient without Systemic Disease. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  126. Dhaliwal P, Fiore C, Junkins-Hopkins J. A Unique Case of a Manteleoma Arising in a Follicular Cyst. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  127. Rizwan R. Chen G, Zhu S, Gardner J. Primary Esophageal Spindle Cell Melanoma with Striking Ribbon-Like Nuclear Palisading: A Diagnostic Challenge. Virtual Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  128. Gardner J. Soft tissue cases. Virtual Podium Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  129. Gardner J. Consult 43: Deadly sins: 7 Cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. Virtual Podium Presentation. American Society of Dermatopathology , Virtual, October 20-24, 2021.

  130. Lynn TJ, Campbell A, Ding Y. Utility of Next Generation Sequencing in the Workup and Diagnosis of Myeloproliferative neoplasm in the Peripheral Blood: A single institution experience. Presentation. ASCP 2021 Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 27-29, 2021.

  131. Gardner JM. Diagnostic pitfalls in epidermal and skin adnexal neoplasms – Parts 1 and 2. Presentations. Academie Internationale de Pathologie – Division Française (IAP French Division) 16th Journée des Invités Etrangers (Foreign Guests’ Day), Institut Curie, Paris, France, October 2021.

  132. Gardner JM. Something old, something new: melanocytic neoplasms & mesenchymal tumors, too - Parts 1 and 2. Presentations. Academie Internationale de Pathologie – Division Française (IAP French Division) 16th Journée des Invités Etrangers (Foreign Guests’ Day), Institut Curie, Paris, France, October 2021.

  133. Pitch M. The Long Run: A Case of Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophican. Grand Rounds. Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Hershey, PA, September 2021.

  134. Jiang S, Gardner JM. Gonzalez. Better, Faster, Stronger: Technology Hacks to Improve your Pathology Practice. Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual and Live, September 2021.

  135. Gardner JM, Jiang S, Razzano D, Hall A. Pathology Engagement in Global Health: A Workshop for Exploring Opportunities to Get Involved. Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual and Live, September 2021.

  136. Gardner JM. How to learn & teach anatomic pathology in the digital age: using WSI digital slides for online education. Video Lecture and Panel Discussion. Digital Pathology Association, Virtual, September 2021.

  137. Gardner JM. Updates from the WHO Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours 5th Edition. Virtual Grand Rounds. Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, September 2021.

  138. Gardner JM. Soft tissue pathology unknown cases. Virtual Side Session. Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, September 2021.

  139. Gardner JM. Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology Cases. Live video lecture. 2021 Master Class in Pathology by, Virtual, August 2021.

  140. Gardner JM. Updates in Soft Tissue Pathology. Live Video Lecture . Oregon Pathologists Association , Virtual, August 2021.

  141. Gardner JM. Dermatopathology unknown cases. Virtual Interactive Slide Session. Mayo Clinic Department of Pathology, Rochester, Minnesota, July 2021.

  142. Gardner JM. Medical student participation in rare cancer patient support groups on Facebook. Virtual presentation. UAMS Partners in Cancer Research (PCAR) summer cancer research program, Virtual, June 2021.

  143. Gardner JM. Find Your Fit—A Conversation on Choosing a Pathology Fellowship. Online virtual discussion panel . College of American Pathologists, Virtual, June 2021.

  144. Gardner JM. Mastering Social Media and Optimizing Online Presence. Virtual discussion panel . 5th Annual Thoracic Oncology Summit , Virtual, June 2021.

  145. Gardner JM. Dermpath pearls & pitfalls for general surgical pathologists. Virtual presentation . Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists 2021 annual meeting, Virtual, June 2021.

  146. Gardner JM. Dermatopathology pearls for oral & maxillofacial pathologists. Part 1 . Didactic lecture. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Virtual, May 2021.

  147. Gardner JM. Dermatopathology pearls for oral & maxillofacial pathologists. Part 2. Virtual case discussion. American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Virtual, May 2021.

  148. Gardner JM. Discussion of difficult bone & soft tissue pathology cases from Peru. Interactive discussion. Pathology faculty and residents at Hospital Base Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo, Arequipa, Peru, May 2021.

  149. Wilkerson M. Real World Cases of AI in Healthcare. Speaker and panelist. College of American Pathologists spring meeting, Virtual, May 1, 2021.

  150. Zhang XM, Kazmi SAJ. Utility of Immunohistochemical (IHC) studies in Diagnosis of Primary Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) in Central Nervous System (CNS) and Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)”. Poster EAHP20-ABS-851. European Association for Haematopathology, Virtual Meeting, April 25-29, 2021.

  151. Ferringer TC. Basic Self-Assessment of Dermatopathology. Speaker. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Virtual, April 2021.

  152. Ferringer TC. Appropriate Use Criteria in Dermatopathology: What do they mean for dermatology. Speaker and Panelist. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Virtual, April 2021.

  153. Ferringer TC. Beyond the H&E . Co-director and Speaker and. International Society of Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, April 2021.

  154. Riswold K. Ferringer T. Sclerotic Fibroma and PTEN Immunohistochemistry. Poster. International Society of Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, April 2021.

  155. Telliard S. Ferringer T. Case of Voriconazole-Induced Pseudoporphyria. Poster. International Society of Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, April 2021.

  156. Gardner JM. Inflammatory dermpath 101 (for general surgical pathologists). Bouldin Lectureship Grand Rounds. University of North Carolina Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Virtual) , Chapel Hill, North Carolina, April 2021.

  157. Gardner JM. Bone & soft tissue unknown cases. Interactive virtual slide session. University of North Carolina Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Virtual) , Chapel Hill, North Carolina, April 2021.

  158. Gardner JM. Cutaneous hemepath basics. Presented virtually to the dermatology residents . University of Massachusetts Department of Dermatology, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 2021.

  159. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in dermatology & medicine. Virtual Presentation. University of Massachusetts Dermatology (Virtual) Grand Rounds, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 2021.

  160. Noor M, Evans AG, Ding Y. T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma with Unclassified Histiocytic/Dendritic Cell Neoplasm. Presentation. Association for Haematopathology (SH-EAHP) 2021 Workshop, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 4-6, 2021.

  161. Lynn TJ, Ding Y, Alvi M, Zelonis MK, Monaco SE. Optimization of Thyroid Samples for Molecular Testing: Lessons learned from indeterminate thyroid fine needle aspirations with suboptimal cytology and molecular testing results. Presentation. USCAP 110th Annual Meeting, Virtual and interactive, March 13-18, 2021.

  162. Mohammad M, Smelser D, Ding Y, Carey DJ. Genome wide association of gastroparesis identifies novel disease-associated genetic loci. Presentation. USCAP 110th Annual Meeting, Virtual and interactive, March 13-18, 2021.

  163. Pitch M, Chockalingam R, Hossler E. Two Cases of Atypical Fusion Spitz Tumors With Histologic and Molecular Characterization. Poster Presentation. International Society for Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, March 2021.

  164. Akhtar I, Monaco SE et al. Comparison of Perspectives on a Unified Cytopathology Fellowship Recruitment: Results of the ASC Cytopathology Program Director and Trainee Survey. Platform Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) 68th Annual Meeting , Virtual, March 2021.

  165. Ferringer T. Clinicopathology Correlation: Putting It All Together. Visiting Professor. Mayo Clinic Rochester, Virtual Meeting, March 2021.

  166. Ferringer T. What's Eating You. Visiting Professor. Mayo Clinic Rochester, Virtual Meeting, March 2021.

  167. Wall S, Shi J, Bitting A, Lin F. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of SMARCA4 and SMARCA2 Expression in Tumors from Various Organs. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Baltimore, Maryland, March 13-18, 2021.

  168. Rizwan R, SHi J, Bitting A, Liu H, Lin F. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of SS18-SSX and SSX Expression in Synovial Sarcomas and Mimickers with Previous FISH Analysis for SS18 Rearrangement. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Baltimore, Maryland, March 13-18, 2021.

  169. Tabish N, Absar F, Shi J, Bitting A, Liu H, Lin F. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Mannose Binding Lectin Antibody (EPR18381) on Tumors from Various Organs. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Baltimore, Maryland, March 13-18, 2021.

  170. Wilkerson M. Laboratory Stewardship: Overutilization, Underutilization, and Everything In-between. Panel organizer and moderator. Clinical Laboratory Management Association Annual Meeting, Virtual, March 31, 2021.

  171. Tsang P, Mika A. Reversibility of Red Blood Cell Swelling in Whole Blood Specimens Stored at Room Temperature. Platform presentation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Virtual, March 2021.

  172. Wall S, Brown A, Meschter S, Zelonis MK, Mullay S, Prichard JW, Monaco SE. Use of an Analytical Software Application linked to the Pathology Laboratory Information System to Obtain Cytopathology Lab Performance Data, Quality Data, and Staff Competency Metrics. Abstract and virtual poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Virtual meeting, March 2021.

  173. Lynn TJ, Ding Y, Alvi M, Zelonis MK, Monaco SE. Optimization of Thyroid Samples for Molecular Testing: Lessons learned from indeterminate thyroid fine needle aspirations with suboptimal cytology and molecular testing results. . Abstract and virtual poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Virtual meeting, March 2021.

  174. Tang X, Shi J, Lin F, Monroe R and Liu H. MYB Expression by RNA In-Situ Hybridization is Sensitive and Specific for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. Abstract and virtual poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Virtual meeting, March 2021.

  175. Tang X, Shi J, Lin F and Liu H. Nuclear Expression of NR4A3 by Immunohistochemistry Distinguishes Acinic Cell Carcinoma from its Mimics on Fine-Needle Aspiration Samples. Abstract and virtual platform presentation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Virtual meeting, March 2021.

  176. Wall S, Liu H, Lin F, Shi J. Evaluation of VSTM2a Expression in Various Renal and Urothelial Tumors by mRNA In Situ Hybridization. Abstract and virtual poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Virtual meeting, March 2021.

  177. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Virtual "Bagel Talk" Presenation. Boston Children’s Hospital Department of Pathology, Boston, Massachusetts, February 2021.

  178. Yu HE. Closing Care Gap in the Era of COVID – Laboratory Perspective. Presentation. 28th Molecular Medicine TRI-CON Virtual Conference, Online, February 2021.

  179. Ferringer T. Case Challenge: Mimics and Masqueraders. Invited Speaker. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sanai, Virtual Grand Rounds, January 2021.

  180. Ferringer T. Dermpath Clues to Infectious Diseases. Invited Speaker (residents). Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sanai, Virtual Grand Rounds, January 2021.

  181. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Virtual Grand Rounds. Emory University Department of Dermatology, Atltanta, Georgia, December 2020.

  182. Yu HE. Complexities of Laboratory Testing for Thyroid Dysfunction: When Hoofbeats are Actually Zebras. Presentation. 2020 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Virtual Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, December 2020.

  183. Lo SY. Improving Analytical Performance Monitoring with Moving Averages. Presentation. 2020 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Virtual Annual Meeting, Held Virtually, December 2020.

  184. Pitch M, Mutizwa M, Junkins-Hopkins J. Eosinophilic Annular Erythema: Clinicopathologic Correlation is Key. Poster Presentation. American Society for Dermatopathology , Virtual, November 2020.

  185. Pitch M, Schleich C, Ferringer T. Flegel’s Disease. Presentation. Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Virtual, November 2020.

  186. Tabish N, Campbell A, Ding Y. Workflow comparison between two NCCN guideline recommended Myeloproliferative Neoplasms screening workup: A single institution’s experience. Presentation. 2020 AMP Annual Conference (Virtual and interactive), Vancouver, Canada, Novmeber 16-20, 2020.

  187. Campbell A, Scicchitano L, Knock B, Scicchitano M, Kershner J, Ding Y. Detection of Allelic Dropout in a Mass Array HFE Genotyping Assay. Presentation. 2020 AMP Annual Conference (Virtual and interactive), Vancouver, Canada, Novmeber 16-20, 2020.

  188. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Course Director: Consultation Session Course. American Society of Dermatopathology, Virtual Annual Meeting, November 2020.

  189. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Invited Lecture. Presented virtually at the 72nd Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Pathology (KSP), Korea, November 2020.

  190. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Invited Lecture. Presented virtually at the XXIV Congreso Chileno de Anatomía Patologíca, Chile, November 2020.

  191. Gardner JM. Soft tissue pathology - tips, tricks, & pearls. Invited Lecture. Presented virtually at the XXIV Congreso Chileno de Anatomía Patologíca, Chile, November 2020.

  192. Gardner JM. Fibrohistiocytic spindle cell tumors of the skin. Invited Lecture. Presented virtually at the XXIV Congreso Chileno de Anatomía Patologíca, Chile, November 2020.

  193. Arballo A, Elsensohn A, Ferringer T. T-cell Rich Angiomatoid Polypoid Pseudolymphoma Following Shave Removal of Pyogenic Granuloma in a Pediatric Patient. Poster 325. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  194. Pitch M Ferringer T. Primary Cutaneous Signet-Ring Cell/Histiocytoid Carcinoma with Unusual Immunohistochemical Pattern: Magnifying the “Monocle Tumor” with a Literature Review. Poster 609. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  195. Kraus A, Elsensohn A, Ferringer T, Powell M, Shiflett K. A systematic histopathologic review of symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural erythema (SDRIFE) and baboon syndrome. Poster 183. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  196. Melrose E, Ferringer T. Crystalline Crust of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in-situ Mimicking EPD and NICF. Poster 591. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  197. Hanson J, Elsensohn A, Ferringer T. PRAME Expression in Non-Melanocytic Cutaneous Neoplasms. Mentorship Poster #2. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  198. Ferringer T. How do your Diagnoses Compare with the Audience and the Expert Panel. Panelist. American Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  199. Gardner, JM. Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology for the General Pathologist. Invited Lecture. #CAPVirtualPath series by the College of American Pathologists, #CAPVirtualPath series by the College of American Pathologists, November 2020.

  200. Gardner J. 7 deadly sins: 7 cutaneous soft tissue tumors you never want to miss. Course Director - Consultation Session Course. American Academy of Dermatopathololg, Virtual Meeting, November 2020.

  201. Lajara S, Dacic S, Pantanowitz L, Xing J, Monaco SE. Small biopsies of Histologically-confirmed pulmonary adenosquamous carcinoma: Morphologic, immunophenotypic, and Molecular Findings. Abstract & Poster Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) 68th Annual Meeting , Virtual, November 2020.

  202. Decesere A, Cuda J, Monaco IV EA, Pantanowitz L, Monaco SE. Benchmarking Cytology Support for ROSE during EBUS, EUS, and other Bronchoscopic Procedures. Abstract & Poster Presentation. American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) 68th Annual Meeting , Virtual, November 2020.

  203. Riddle N, Gardner J. Soft Tissue Pathology Is Fun...Really! A Crash Course for General Pathologists. Course Director. College of American Pathologists Short Course, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  204. Gardner J, Jiang S, Hall A. Pathology Engagement in Global Health: A Workshop for Exploring Opportunities to Get Involved. Course Director. College of American Pathologists Short Course, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  205. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Invited Lecture. KAPCON 2020 Virtual Conference hosted by the Karnataka Chapter of the Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists (KCIAPM), Karnataka, India, October 2020.

  206. Sarami I, Scicchitano L, Ding Y. Comparison of oncology biomarker testing turn-around time between standard of care method and a rapid testing platform. Abstract. College of American Pathologists 2020 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 10-13, 2020.

  207. Divvy K. Upadhyay, Dennis Torretti, Conrad Schuerch III, Korukonda, Patricia Lamphear, Hardeep Singh. Developing a culture of learning from diagnostic errors among frontline clinicians. Poster. Society to Improve Diagnosis Diagnostic Error in Medicine Annual International Conference, Virtual Meeting, October 19-21, 2020.

  208. Zhang Q, Li H, Chen G, Yang Z. Reduced Expression of CDX2, CK20 and SATB2 in Mismatch Repair-Deficient Colorectal Carcinoma. Abstract. College of American Pathologists, Held virtually, October 10-14, 2020.

  209. Li H, Zhang Q, Shuman L, Kaag M, Raman JD2, Merrill S, DeGraff D, Warrick JI, Chen G. Immune Profiles of Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma post Neoadjuvant Therapy and in Positive Lymph Nodes: Parts of the PDL1 Elephant. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, , February 28-March 5, 2020.

  210. Ferringer T. Clues to Infectious Disease of the Skin. Speaker. Geisinger Pathology Grand Rounds, Danville, PA, October 2020.

  211. Ferringer T. Overview of Immunohistochemistry. Speaker. Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  212. Ferringer T. Interesting Infectious Diseases of the Skin. Speaker. Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  213. Ferringer T. What’s New in Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors. Speaker. Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  214. Ferringer T. Self-Assessment Case Review. Speaker. Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  215. Ferringer T. Timing of Dermatopathology Exposure in Residency. Speaker. Dermatology Teachers Exchange Group. Association of Professors of Dermatology, Virtual Meeting, October 2020.

  216. Ferringer T. Infectious Dermatopathology. Speaker. Scientific Symposium , Dermatopathology in Virtual Paradise, October 2020.

  217. Ferringer T. Essentials in Metabolic Diseases Affecting the Skin. Speaker. Scientific Symposium , Dermatopathology in Virtual Paradise, October 2020.

  218. Ferringer T. Infectious Diseases: Clues. Speaker. Scientific Symposium , Dermatopathology in Virtual Paradise, October 2020.

  219. Ferringer T. Investigating the Occult: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. Speaker. Scientific Symposium , Dermatopathology in Virtual Paradise, October 2020.

  220. Ferringer T. Update in Immunohistochemistry. Speaker. Scientific Symposium , Dermatopathology in Virtual Paradise, October 2020.

  221. Gardner JM, Jiang, Gonzalez R. Better, Faster, Stronger: Technology Hacks to Improve your Pathology Practice. Faculty Development Series. Department of Pathology - Beth Israel Deaconess, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2020.

  222. Gardner JM. Soft tissue unknown cases. Invited Lecture. Presented to the pathology residents at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine Department of Patholog, Chicago, Illinois, October 2020.

  223. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Virtual Grand Rounds. Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine Department of Pathology , Chicago, Illinois, October 2020.

  224. Gardner JM. How academic pathologists can supercharge their careers via social media. the Faculty Development Series. at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Pathology, Chicago, Illinois, October 2020.

  225. Riddle, N Gardner JM. Soft Tissue Pathology Is Fun...Really! A Crash Course for General Pathologists. Course Director: Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual Annual Meeting, October 2020.

  226. JIang S, Gardner J, Razzano D. Better, Faster, Stronger: Technology Hacks to Improve your Pathology Practice. Course Director: Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual Annual Meeting, October 2020.

  227. Gardner J, Jiang S, Razzano D. Pathology Engagement in Global Health: A Workshop for Exploring Opportunities to Get Involved. Course Director: Short Course. College of American Pathologists, Virtual Annual Meeting, October 2020.

  228. Gardner JM. Masters of Pathology Series (15 hours). Course Director for Online CME Course., Virtual, October 2020.

  229. Gardner JM. Bone & soft tissue pathology unknown cases. Invited Lecture. Presented virtually to the McGill University Department of Pathology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 2020.

  230. Gardner JM. Cutaneous Soft Tissue Tumor Unknown Cases. Virtual Grand Rounds. University of Iowa Pathology Residents, Iowa City, Iowa, September 2020.

  231. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Virtual Grand Rounds. University of Iowa Pathology, Iowa City, Iowa, September 2020.

  232. Wilkerson M. Clinical Lab 2.0: Why the Lab? Why Now? . General Session, panelist. American Society of Clinical Pathology, Virtual, September 10, 2020.

  233. Gardner JM. How Twitter & Facebook changed my life: the role of social media in pathology & medicine. Invited Lecture. Dermatology and Pathology Residency Programs at McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada, September 2020.

  234. Yu HE. Is Faster Always Better? Ensuring Quality and Proper Utilization of Point-of-Care Testing through Partnership. Presentation. CDC ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) session, Virtual Meeting, September 2020.

  235. Gardner, JM. Fat and bad: what liposarcoma teaches us about soft tissue pathology. Lecture. Asociación Colombiana de Patología (Asocolpat) , Virtual Lecture Video , July 2020.

  236. Gardner JM, Nash C, Garner S. Social Media for Pathologists’ Assistants. Virtual Panel Discussion . Online Surgical Pathology CE Conference organized by University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 2020.

  237. Ferringer T. Basic Self-Assessment of Dermatopathology. Speaker. American Academy of Dermatology, Virtual Meeting, May 2020.

  238. Ferringer T. What’s New in Dermatopathology-Appropriate Use Criteria in Dermatopathology. Speaker. American Academy of Dermatology, Virtual Meeting, May 2020.

  239. Moore M, Friesner I, Rizk E, Trager M, Gartrell-Corrado R, Mendelson K, Celebi J, Rich C, Chikeka I, Kurc T, Fullerton B, Wang J, Rohr B, Robinson E, Geskin L, Horst B, Gardner K, Niedt G, Messina J, Ferringer T, Saltz J, Vanguri R, Saenger Y. Effect of automated TIL quantification in early stage melanoma on accuracy of standard T staging using AJCC guidelines. Poster. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Virtual Meeting, May 2020.

  240. Albert J, Berger A, Liu H, Lin F. Risk Stratification of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma, A Retrospective Cohort Study. Oral Presentation. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 29th Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, Washington, DC, May 6-10, 2020.

  241. Garbin S, Shaffer A, Squires J, Vaughan KG, Viswanathan P, Witchel S, Mollen K, Yip L, Monaco SE, Duvvuri U, Simons J. Validity of the Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) in a Pediatric Population (#2020-A-467-ASPO). Abstract & Poster Presentation. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 2020.

  242. Yeker RM, Shaffer A, Viswanathan P, Witchel S, Mollen K, Yip L, Monaco SE, Duvvuri U, Simons J. Association between chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and aggressiveness of pediatric differentiated thyroid cancer (#2020-A-371-ASPO). Abstract & Poster Presentation. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 2020.

  243. Voyten J, Holtzman M, Pantanowitz L, Dhir R, Beasley S, Cuda J, Monaco SE. Lessons Learned from Clinical Trial Queries on Small Biopsy Collections from an Academic Medical Center. Abstract & Poster Presentation. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, Illinois, May 2020.

  244. Mehr C and Obstfeld A. Using Text Mining for Quality Assurance following Publication of Consensus Guidelines. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 2020.

  245. Mehr C and Obstfeld A. Text Mining as a Tool to Advance Analytics in a Surgical Pathology Service. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 2020.

  246. Mehr C and Obstfeld A. The Impact of the LAST Recommendations on Cervical Biopsy Diagnoses at a Tertiary Care Academic Center. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 2020.

  247. Brantley K, Heng YJ, Baker GM, Luffman CI, Quintana LM, Guzman-Arocho YD, Ono Y, Mehr CR, Tamimi R and Eliassen AH. Influence of Modifiable Risk Factors on the PI3K Pathway in Breast Cancer. Poster. DFHCC Breast and Gynecological Cancer Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2020.

  248. Gardner J. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et al: Everything a Pathologist Needs to Know to be a Social Media Pro. Course Director. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology - Special Course, Virtual Meeting, March 2020.

  249. Tsang P. Anaplasmosis: Diagnostic Clues for an Emerging and Elusive Infection. Platform presentation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 2020.

  250. Ferringer T. Mimics and Masqueraders in Dermatopathology. Speaker. Geisinger Pathology Grand Rounds, Danville, PA, March 2020.

  251. Sarami I, Smelser DT, Cook AM, Haley JS, Vadakara JJ, Ding Y, Carey DY. A Population-Based Study Identifies Novel Variants for Myelodysplastic Syndrome Associated Genes. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  252. Mohammad M, Shi J, Liu H, Lin F. Immunohistochemical evaluation of insulinoma-associated protein 1 (INSM1) expression on tumors and normal tissues from various organs. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  253. Absar F, Shi J, Liu H, Lin F. Immunohistochemical evaluation of loss of expression of BRCA-1 associated protein 1 (BAP1) on tumors and normal tissues from various organs. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  254. Zelonis M, Shi J, Liu H, Monroe R, Lin F. Detection of cervical squamous dysplasia on cell blocks prepared from Pap test samples - A combined study based on morphology, HPV detection by RNA in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemical stains for p16 and Ki-67. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  255. Tabish N, SHi J, Liu H, Lin F. Immunohistochemical evaluation of nuclear protein in testis (NUT) expression on tumors and normal tissues from various organs. . Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  256. Mohammad M, Shi J, Li A, Liu H, Lin F. Immunohistochemical evaluation of orthopedia homeobox (OTP) expression on tumors and normal tissues from various organs. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  257. Kim P, Lin F, Shi J, Bitting A, Liu H. Use of Immunohistochemistry to Distinguish Normal Gastric and Duodenal Mucosa from Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020.

  258. Yu HE. Is Faster Always Better? Ensuring Quality and Proper Utilization of Point-of-Care Testing through Partnership. Chaired and presented. 27th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, Virtual Meeting, March 2020.

  259. Yu HE. Experience with Implementing a Rapid Intraoperative PTH Method at Geisinger Medical Center. Presentation. 2019 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting,, Anaheim, California, August 2019.

  260. Li H, Zhang Q, Shuman L, Kaag M, Raman JD2, Merrill S, DeGraff D, Warrick JI, Chen G. Immune Profiles of Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma post Neoadjuvant Therapy and in Positive Lymph Nodes: Parts of the PDL1 Elephant. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Los Angeles, California, February 28-March 5, 2020.

  261. Mohammad MK, Hu, Y, Chen G, Li, J, Li J. A Truncating Variant of 17-Beta Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase13 Protein Protects Against Severe Histopathological Progression of Liver Injury and Cancer Development: Quantitative Next-Generation Sequencing-Based-Analysis and Meta-Analysis. Abstract. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Los Angeles, California, February 28-March 5, 2020.

  262. Schleich C.. Cutaneous Biopsy. Workshop. Geisinger Family Medicine Residency Workshop, Wilkes-Barre, PA, February 13, 2020.

  263. Ferringer T. Infections and Infestation. Visiting Professor. Grand Rounds, Carilion, Roanoke, VA, February 2020.

  264. Tahir S. Vadakara J. Sebes N. Brady M. Hossler E. Demodex Folliculorum Infestation Mimicking Acute Cutaneous Gvhd. Poster. Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, Orlando, Florida, February 22, 2020.

  265. Kim P, Lin, F. Shi, J, Liu H. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of FOXL2 in Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors, Germ Cell Tumors and Normal Tissue of Ovary and Testicle. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020..

  266. Melanie R, Shi J, Lin F, Kim P, Liu H. INSL3 is a Specific Biomarker for Leydig Cells, Leydig Cell Hyperplasia and Leydig Cell Tumors. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020..

  267. Melanie R, Lin F, Zelonis M, Liu H. Analysis of Cytology Pap Tests with High-Risk HPV Cotesting and a Three-Year Follow-Up on NILM/HPV+ Group in a Tertiary Care Setting. Poster. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology , Los Angeles, California, February 29-March 5, 2020..

  268. Satturwar S, Pantanowitz J, Manko C, Monaco SE, Ahmed I, Pantanowitz L. Ki67 Proliferation Index in Neuroendocrine Tumors: Can Augmented Reality (AR) Microscopy with Image Analysis Improve Scoring. Abstract & Poster Presentation. USCAP Annual Meeting , Los Angeles, California, February 28-March 5, 2020.

  269. Lajara S, Trejo Bittar HE, Dacic S, Monaco SE, Pantanowitz L. Pulmonary Scar Carcinomas: Cytomorphologic Features in Histologically Confirmed Cases. Abstract & Poster Presentation. USCAP Annual Meeting , Los Angeles, California, February 28-March 5, 2020.

  270. Singhi AD, Wald AI, Ohori NP, Monaco SE, Nikiforova MN. The identification of non-V600E BRAF mutations in GNAS-Mutant Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms. Abstract & Poster Presentation. USCAP Annual Meeting , Los Angeles, California, February 28-March 5, 2020.

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