Dr. Sheng-Ying (Margaret) Lo
Director, Clinical Chemistry and Preanalytics
100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, PA 17822-1930
Dr. Lo is an Associate of Geisinger Medical Laboratories at Geisinger Medical
Center, where she serves as the associate director of Clinical Chemistry and Preanaltytics.
Dr. Lo received her Ph.D. in chemistry and completed a clinical chemistry fellowship at the University of Washington - Seattle.
Professional Affiliations:
Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine
American Society for Clinical Pathology
Professional Committees:
ASCP Resident Question Bank Committee (clinical chemistry)
Research Interests:
Clinical chemistry.
Recent Academic Activity
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Pearson LN, Johnson SA, Greene DN, Chambliss AB, Farnsworth CW, French D, Herman DS, Kavask PA, Merrill AE, Lo SM, Lyon ME, SoRelle JA, Schmidt RL. Side-effects of COVID-19 on patient care: An INR story. J Appl Lab Med. 2021; 6(4): 953-961.
Harma A, Greene DN, Chambliss AB, Farnsworth CW, French D, Herman DS, Kavsak PA, Merrill AE, Lo SM, Lyon ME, Winston-McPherson G, Pearson LN, SoRelle JA, Waring AC, Schmidt, RL. The effect of the Covid-19 shutdown on glycemic testing and control. Clin Chem Acta. 2021; 19: 148-152.
Warrington JS, Swanson K, Dodd, M, Lo SY, Haghamad A, Duque TB, Cook B. Measuring What Matters: How the Laboratory Contributes Value in the Opioid Crisis. J Appl Lab Med. 2020; 5(6): 1378-1390.
Winston-McPherson GN, Lo SY, Baird GS, Hoofnagle AN, Greene DN. The Reply to Comments on Cannabis Legalization and Opioid Compliance. Am J Med. 2020; 132(9): e717.
Lo SY, Winston-McPherson GN,Starosta AJ, Sullivan MD, Baird GS, Hoofnagle AN, Greene DN. Cannabis Legalization Does Not Influence Patient Compliance with Opioid Therapy. Am J Med. 2020; 132(3): 347-353.
Winston-McPherson GN, Merrill AE, Lo SY, Hoofnagle AN, Greene DN. Interassay Comparison of the Tumor Markers CA125, CA15.3, and CA27.29. J Appl Lab Med. 2017; 12(1): 17-24.
Gallego DF, Lo SY, Greene DN. Prospective evaluation of dilution parameters optimized for 53 chemistry analytes measured using the AU instrument series. Clin Chem Acta. 2017; 464: 202-203.
Lo SY, Saifee NH, Greene DN. An abrupt hepatitis B seroconversion. Clin Chem. 2016; 62(10): 1414-1415.
Lo SY, Saifee NH, Mason OB, Greene DN. Filling in the gaps with non-standard body fluids. Pract Lab Med. 2016; 5: 24-31.
Lo SY, Gordon C, Sadilkova K, Jack RM, Dickerson JA. Quantifying MMA by SLE LC-MS/MS: Unexpected challenges in assay development. Clin Biochem. 2016; 49(13-14): 967-972..
Abstracts, Posters, and Invited Presentations:
Stoppie K, Witmer A, Lo SY. A Quantitative LC-MS/MS Urine Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine Assay with Automated Sample Preparation. Poster Presentation at 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 2022.
Lo SY. Establishing a LC-MS/MS Quality Assurance Program. Presentation at 2022 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinoins, July 2022.
Lo SY. Improving Analytical Performance Monitoring with Moving Averages. Presentation at 2020 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Virtual Annual Meeting, Held Virtually, December 2020.
Lo SY, Yu HE. Fine-Tuning Lipid Panel Reflex Testing Algorithm for Direct LDL Cholesterol Measurement. Poster at 2019 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, August 2019.
Lo SY. Strategies to Improve Rapid Diagnosis of Ethylene Glycol Poisoning in the Emergency Department. Presentation at 2018 American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illiniois, July 2018.
Lo SY, Green DN. A Systematic and Practical Approach to Designing the Onboard and Clinical Reportable Ranges of Chemistry and Immunoassay Analytes. Presentation at 51st Annual Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists, Birmingham, Alabama, June 2016.
Lo SM. How to take your automation to the next level. Presentation at American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, Washington, June 2016.
Lo SM. Automated Data Review Using Homebrewed Software. Presentation at Mass Spectrometry: Application to the Clinical Lab – US Conference, Palm Springs, California, February 2016.