Dr. Myra Wilkerson
Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Cytopathology
Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine
Chair, Diagnostic Medicine Institute
Chair, Diagnostic Medicine Institute for the School of Medicine
100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, PA 17822-1920
Dr. Wilkerson is the
chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and the Geisinger Diagnostic Medicine Institute. She is also on the faculty of the Geisinger Cytopathology Fellowship Program and the serves as the chair of the Diagnostic Medicine Institute for the School of Medicine.
Dr. Wilkerson received her M.D. from Marshall University School of Medicine in Huntington, West Virginia. She completed her residency in anatomic and clinical pathology as well as a fellowship in cytopathology at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Wilkerson is board-certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. Her areas of specialization are genitourinary pathology and cytopathology.
Professional Affiliations:
Association for Pathology Informatics (API)
Association of Clinical Scientists (ACS); Fellow
College of American Pathologists (CAP); Fellow
Professional and Federal Activities:
- Strategic Alignment subcommittee, SHIELD (Standardization of Lab Data to Enhance Patient-centered Outcomes Research and Value-based Care), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of Health and Human Services
- Information Technology Leadership Committee, subject matter expert on laboratory accreditation, College of American Pathologists
- Executive Committee and Board of Directors, Project Santa Fe/Clinical Lab 2.0 Foundation
- Informatics Committee, College of American Pathologists
- Research interests:
- Cryptorchidism, cervical cytology, informatics, and tissue microarrays.
Recent Academic Activity
Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Executive Advisory Board
Journal of Pathology Informatics
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Li J, Wilkerson ML, Deng FM, Liu H. The Application and Pitfalls of Immunohistochemical Markers in Challenging Diagnosis of Genitourinary Pathology. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2023; 2023;10.5858/arpa.2022-0493-RA; 4.
Gross DJ, Kennedy M, Kothari T, Scamurra DO, Wilkerson ML, Crawford JM, Cohen MB. The role of the pathologist in population health. . Arch Pathol Lab Med 2020; 143(5); 610-620. .
Crawford JM, Shotorbani K, Sharma G, Crossey M, Kothari T, Lorey TS, Prichard JW, Wilkerson M, Fisher N. Improving American healthcare through “Clinical Lab 2.0”: a Project Santa Fe report. Acad Pathol 2017; 41; 1-8.
Yu HE & Wilkerson M. Employee engagement is vital for the successful selection of a total laboratory automation system. Lab Med 2017; 48; e66-74.
Abstracts, Posters, and Other Presentations:
Wilkerson M. Real World Cases of AI in Healthcare. Speaker and panelist. College of American Pathologists spring meeting, Virtual, May 1, 2021.
Wilkerson M. Laboratory Stewardship: Overutilization, Underutilization, and Everything In-between. Panel organizer and moderator. Clinical Laboratory Management Association Annual Meeting, Virtual, March 31, 2021.
Wilkerson M. Clinical Lab 2.0: Why the Lab? Why Now? . General Session, panelist. American Society of Clinical Pathology, Virtual, September 10, 2020.
Wilkerson ML. Introduction to Clinical Lab 2.0. Session organizer and keynote speaker. Association of Clinical Scientists 139th annual meeeting, Hershey, Pennsylvania, May 18, 2019.
Wilkerson ML, Prichard J . Practical Ways to Reduce Diagnostic Error. Platform presentation. Association of Clinical Scientists 137th annual meeting, Birmingham, Alabama, May 18, 2017.
Marshall KA, Kethireddy S, Brown AM, Prichard JW, Wilkerson ML. Crowdsourcing to Create Structured Data Sets for Quality Improvement. Presentation. AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science, San Francisco, California, March 27-30, 2017.
Liu H, Wilkerson M, Lin F. NKX3.1 is the Most Sensitive Immunohistochemical Marker in Identifying Metastatic Prostatic Carcinomas. Poster presentation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Antonio, Texas, March 4-10, 2017.
Liu H, Wilkerson M, Lin F. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of NKX3.1 Expression in Prostatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas. Poster presentation. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, San Antonio, Texas, March 4-10, 2017.
Textbook Chapters
Wilkerson M, Hewitt S. Tissue Microarray. In Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. New York, New York: Springer; 2022; 161-172 .
Liu H, Wilkerson M, Lin F. Thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands. In Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. New York, New York: Springer; 2022; 339-374 .
Wilkerson M, Cheng L. Urinary bladder and urachus. In Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. New York, New York: Springer; 2022; 551-574 .
Wilkerson M, Cheng L. Testis and paratesticular tissues. In Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd ed. Lin F, Prichard J, Liu H, Wilkerson M, eds. New York, New York: Springer; 2022; 607-628 .